
What is your opinion of Madonna wanting another child from Malawi, for her 50th birthday?

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Its very kind ~ I don't know how she chooses which one....but with rumours her marriage is in tatters, is it wise?




  1. good for her

  2. I think she does it to keep up with the Pitts.

    She didn't start doing it until Anglina Jolie did it and had a lot of media coverage

  3. I'm not too sure she is being kind. The child's grandmother does not want her to go out of the country. If Madonna is being kind why does she not use some of her millions to help these people stay with their own families, that way she could help more than one child/family.

    You don't get a child for your birthday and I'm not so sure you should get to choose either. Does that mean that only cute, clever children get help. What about the rest?

  4. I find these celeb adoptions from far flung foreign lands somewhat disturbing as it seems to be a fad now, rather than an honest gesture, and we have many unwanted unadoptable children in dire need of homes right here in the USA but they don't have the cachet of being in a foreign country so they languish in foster homes and other horrible places.

  5. It's very admirable i'm sure but why can't she just make do with perfume & chocolates like everyone else.

  6. Stormy, i think its the just media spin that says shes wants Mercy for her 50th b'day...she met Mercy months ago & wanted to adopt her right away...there were procedure issues which i think are being ironed out now...her b'day is just a coincidence. As for the rumours of her marriage being in tatters...perhaps thats all they are..rumours.

  7. She has the money and ability to make a difference in a child's life.  Personalities such as Madonna seem to supersede their marriages and go from one to another.

  8. I'm sure her "broken" home is a much better environment for a child to grow up in then many families "fixed" homes.

  9. Part of me is against this completely because she's not really caring for the child and it's not getting the love a child deserves.  She treats them like they're toys or something.  I mean really, the very idea that she and her husband would consider his agreement to adopting another child as a birthday present tells me they don't really know what parenting is.

    Then there's the little part of me that's seeing that even though the kid's raised by a nanny, it's getting a first class nanny, and will have all sorts of benefits that a child from an orphanage won't ever have.

    I'm just really concerned with how it's become fashionable to adopt kids like they were puppies or something.

  10. It's now the "fad" to adopt babies from other countries.

    She is acting like "Oh, another gift for my birthday!" It's a child. Not a "thing"

    And is it just in China where you aren't allowed to adopt over the age or 50?

  11. I think the fact that she chooses to adopt from these countries is great


    Shes wants one for her 50th birthday? What she wants to adopt a child like its a present for her birthday?

    I don't like that at all.

    Adopting from these less fortunate countries is great but why not adopt a child from the UK and give them a loving home and I don't mean a baby an older child that is less likely to be given a home.

  12. i honestly dont care

  13. As others have said maybe she should donate money rather than take the child away from her extended family who are opposed to her being taken from the country. I get the impression that things like that don't really worry her though, if Madonna wants something she will get it. I don't think it's wise particularly, especially with her marriage being a bit of a mess.  

  14. I find it narcissistic..foreign babies are accessories in Hollywood

  15. Silly old cow. I suppose she just needs a new fashion accessory

  16. I think that as admirable as it may be, children are not gifts of toys to be "bought" as presents. There are plenty of children in this country who need people to love them.

  17. stupid stupid stupid

    A child is so much more than just something to get press or just a birthday present. Hollywood is a terrible place

  18. To be honest I'm not sure she should do that especially if the grandmother is objecting....

    I think that is very sad!

  19. nope... i think that child will be so F***ed up its unreal  

  20. Just another publicity stunt.  We haven't heard from her recently so no doubt, she is craving some more attention and what better way than to create another media circus so the focus is again on her.  It's about time she stopped adopting children and flashing her f***y around.  I would also like to think that she has to go through the same vigorous checks by social services as the rest of us but somehow, I doubt it.

  21. so it seems adopting a child a from third world country is the latest fashion accessory

    She should buy a hat or a scarf

    Or better still donate some of her millions to these countries which would benefit no doubt hundereds of children rather than a select few

  22. It's sick is what it is.

    she just gets Nannies to look after them, after stealing them from their own Countries.

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