
What is your opinion of Male Cheerleaders?

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You've seen them at the college games. Your opinion of men being cheerleaders?

Why don't they have them for professional sports?




  1. I honestly don't know why anyone becomes a cheerleader, except for the exercise. Nonetheless, men should be able to do it just as women should.

  2. They have a different "view" of life!  They get to work with women which can be nice.  I'd rather be on the field though...

  3. I think they're s**y! I wish they had them in male dominated sports. That would be an extra incentive to purchase tickets too a football game.

  4. I think it's funny that most of the people who would say that it's "g*y" are probably Bush supporters.

  5. i think their outfits should be skimpier...way too much cloth if ya ask me...

    you go boys!!!!

  6. They sure seem to be happy all the time!

    EDIT: President Bush was a male cheerleader in college.

  7. I don't think there's anything wrong with it.

    Back in the 20s, 30s and 40s it was not unusual to have boys who were cheerleaders in their school.  President Bush was a cheerleader when he attended Phillips Academy at Andover.


    Maybe if they had more male cheerleaders for the professional teams, and made it a co-ed effort, then it just might bring back integrity to the activity of being a "cheer" leader...someone intended to invoke cheer and team spirit.

    It would then be GENUINE cheerleading to show support for the team in a healthy way... rather than just a bunch of young scantily clad women doing a lot of quasi-stripper moves under the guise of cheerleading. That sort of thing has given cheerleading a bad name over the past 20 or so years.

  8. Because no self respecting guy would try out for the cheer leaders come on now. All you fems can say how awsome they are, thats cool you can be there friends. As far as guys wanting to be around them no thanks.

  9. One of them is currently President of the US.

    That says it all.

  10. I think that men cheerleaders are totally cool.  I think it's ridiculous that they don't have them for professional sports.  But I think that television manager are afraid of the sexual bias that male cheerleaders may represent.  Who knows...

  11. Here in Britain "cheerleaders" are  people who sit in with the audience in a theatre or TV studio to trigger off audience response to the performer.

  12. Well, I understand cheerleaders used to be men in the old days. I recently read 'cheaper by the Dozen' by Frank Gilbreth and Ernestine Gilbreth Carey, and there's a very funny description of how their older sister Anne brings home her college boyfriend in the 1920s, and he is doing cheerleading and keeps giving them demonstrations, much to their father's disgust.  

    I don't know when the cult of cheerleader as handmaiden arose, but it evidently wasn't customary in the 20s.  But then I'm English and the whol cheerleader thing is a bit of a mystery to us.  Why do you have them?  What are they FOR?

  13. Cheerleading is very popular among male feminists.

  14. Male cheerleaders are g*y plain and simple. Dudes don't want to see other dude dongas unless they're g*y.

  15. The original cheerleaders were men. They were injured players who needed something to do while sitting on the sidelines watching the games. That's how cheerleading was born.


    Hairy legs in.......


  17. They're most likely g* one wants to see a male cheerleader.

  18. Honestly male cheerleaders crack me up.

  19. i think male cheerleaders are just fine. they need someone to hold the girls and look up their skirts, lol. i think cheer leading is kind of lame all together. i mean "go team go" puh-leez

  20. Most are probably g*y or just doing it to meet chicks.

    Not that there's anything wrong with that....

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