
What is your opinion of Royal Enfield's 'modern classics'? Are they beginner-friendly?

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I have just passed my UK bike test and I am after my first 'big' bike.

After reading my grandfather's war diaries I have come to like the military bikes of that era and would love one, or something similar, to be my first bike. The R.E modern classics are available in Army drab and look gorgeous, but are they a good beginner bike?

Do I have any other options if I am after the vintage military feel, or should I steer well clear as a new rider? Ideally I'd love either a genuine WW2 (or slightly later) military bike, or a modern reproduction.

This is based purely on their appearance though, as you can probably guess I have never actually ridden one- but I will only be making short journeys and I'd love to get my sleeves rolled up to work on it (not that I know what I'm doing there either- I'd learn as I went!)





  1. umm well the en-field is still made now in india but still to the old pattern but with out points.

    old bikes are ok but with anything old its parts.

    old bikes are basic clunky and slow, but in saying that still fun

    good luck

  2. Compared to a modern bike I wouldn't say that they are a beginner friendly bike.  They are bikes that really haven't changed in 50 years, so they will ride like an old bike.  They require a lot more tinkering to keep in riding shape, but usually it isn't too difficult, because they were designed to be fixed in the field by soldiers in the middle of nowhere.

    All of this is compared to a modern bike, though, which most of us have started to take for granted.  What do you think people in the 40's and 50's learned on?

    I'd suggest it as long as you know what you're getting into.  Look for some Royal Enfield rider's forums to read up on the riding that is possible.  It seems like a lot of the owners love the bikes, but sometimes as more of a challenge than anything.

  3. They aren't fast, nor brilliant handlers, but if you want something to chug around on and be different, you'll have fun. At least you now get a 5-speed box, electric starter and 12 volts.  

    Ideal if you want to get your hands dirty, it will certainly need attention more often than a modern machine.

  4.    I use to test ride them and would not own one nor will I ever get on another. That was a job I had no choice. They do not understand fit and finish.  

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