
What is your opinion of SF's migrant-offender shield sanctuary city policies is this right YES/NO/ UNDECIDED

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Please tell me how many Juveniles do you know that "pass themselves off as juveniles,yet have three-day growth of beard ?City officials say they are trying to balance their obligations under federal and state law with local court orders and San Francisco's policies aimed at protecting the rights of the young immigrants, who they say are often victims of exploitation.

Federal authorities counter that drug kingpins are indeed exploiting the immigrants, but that the city's stance allows them to get away with "gaming the system."

San Francisco juvenile authorities have been grappling for several years with an influx of young Honduran immigrants dealing crack in the Mission District and Tenderloin.

Those who are arrested routinely say they are minors, but police suspect that many are actually adults, living communally in Oakland and other cities at the behest of drug traffickers who claim to be their relatives.

Nonetheless, city authorities have typically accepted the suspects' stories and handled the cases in Juvenile Court, where proceedings are often shielded from public scrutiny.

"Some of them have been arrested four or five times," Hettrich said. "That is one of the big problems with being a city of sanctuary."

He scoffed at San Francisco's strategy of returning the offenders to their home country. "They probably get the round trip and the next day, they will be right back here," Hettrich said.

Patricia Lee, head of the San Francisco public defender's juvenile branch, would not comment on pending cases. But, she said, "a lot of the young people have suffered a lot of abuse, abandonment and neglect in their native country and have been used as (drug-running) mules. There is lot of victimization and trafficking of these young people."




  1. Run of the mill liberal idiots.

  2. They should lose all state and federal funding as i believe any sanctuary city or state should, they are openly disobeying the law!!!!

    Report and Deport, Show no Support!!!

  3. I do not know but why would any law enforcement agency decline to press charges against those caught selling crack that any citizen would face charges and jail time for. But it does seem if you are illegal you may invent any story you want,be any age you want, commit crimes you want, knowing the city of SF will not file any charges against you and it seems it does not  really matter how many times they been arrested or deported,none of that information is even held against the illegal and they are so concern with protecting their rights,that their rights supersede any crimes they have committed and they make walk away from crimes,that are suppose to be against the law,that link does not work..........try this one

    I really am amazed to see this part in the story-Russoniello said the city has no choice but to comply with U.S. law , you get that no choice but to comply with the law ,at least they noticed that illegals are not immure from all laws and they are forced to apply the law even though they would rather not.Why don't the same officals adopt these kids,since they feel they are such productive kids and all. More and more, illegals are above the law

  4. One thing should get real clear to all.  The welfare that San Francisco pays comes out of the Federal Treasury in part at at least.  And another thing to be clear about... it is nice to protect the kids, but it is a lot nice to protect the taxpayer and that is something San Francisco is not doing.  In fact, they are saying.. s***w the tax payer!

    Will they come back the next day?  Provide them welfare and they will, and San Francisco is NOT in charge of immigration policy or national affairs.  One very crummy policy for the American People.

  5. San Francisco is a beautiful city with a long history of poor liberal government. Decades of rampant tolerance for fringe groups dating back to the 1960's have left the door open for all that wish to take advantage.

    Illegals are just the latest group to move into the official sanctuary city of the left coast.

    When you don't require citizens to carry valid identification they can claim they are any age they wish.

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