
What is your opinion of Vanity Fair's estimation that Cindy McCain's outfit at the RNC rung in at over $300K?

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How does this make you feel keeping in mind the current state of the American economy, and the struggles of the Average American.




  1. Not really sure if her diamond earrings really cost $220K.  But assume that they cost half or even a third of's still a lot.

    I think it's really funny that Michelle Obama's black and white dress was sold out after her appearance on the View...don't think that will happen with anything Cindy wears.  

  2. About the same as knowing they have seven houses.

    Her 3 ct diamond solitares cost over $250,000 alone.  So she was wearing a $50,000 outfit.  She's spent lots more just trying to get on the GOP stage.  She finally got her moment in the sun so she HAD to look great.  Leave the little rich girl alone.  Have another beer.  She will appreciate it.

  3. Who cares, it is her money.  Her family are self made millionaires, yet she still went to nursing school and worked for over 25 years as a registered nurse.  Even participating in programs like doctors without borders.  If she wants to wear an expensive outfit to the biggest public appearance of her life...she should be able to!!!

  4. Shes got it let her spend it.

    But I don't know where she got the saran wrap fabric and day-glo colors from, or why she chose to wear such unattractive clothing when she has a size 0 body.

    I got in trouble for saying this last night, but then I was joking and now I'm serious, well fairly serious, I know Republicans don't like g**s, but please, raise the ropes and let a few in, your ladies aren't dressing well, no matter how many ropes of pearls, or diamonds they wear.

    Dressing like a christmas cookie tray wrapping is just bad.

    I like Palins glasses, they are the only thing about her I like.

  5. Destroying Angel,

    I would want to know if Cindy McCain actually bought the outfit.

    Generally, since the designer's name is used (Oscar de Lorenta) the wearer doesn't purchase the items. Instead, just like actresses on the red carpet at the Academy Awards, the outfits are loaned, and the designer gets tons of free publicity.

    I'm willing to bet a weeks pay that's what Cindy McCain did.

    What's really funny, on the news last night it was said that optometrists are being deluged with women wanting glasses just like Sarah Palin's. Give me a break.


  6. If that story is true, she probably wore those outfits just to please you left wing fashionistas.

    I could care less as long as the tax payers of America don't get stuck with the bill.

  7. Oh it's just pitiful that drab outfit Michelle had on, no wonder with her and Barack's income.  And that dumpy little home they live in, it's outrageous Cindy McCain wearing such extravagant clothes.  And that homely little private school his girls go to.  And you know he eats arugula instead of just plain ole lettuce!  And you may think you're successful, but plain common sense is lacking.  

  8. And they called Obama an elitist

  9. You guys hate success, don't you.

      I think it is awful that John Travolta has his own 737 and P Diddy has a $45 million dollar airplane too....I just can not imagine how much Britney spends a week either...Notice in today's paper that Oprah's mother owes $156,000 to a clothing store?

    Oh, right, they are not Republicans, I get it now

  10. I think it’s kind of in poor taste considering that her husband is running for president of a country with a very struggling middle class and a horrible economy.  But we all know that the middle class isn’t really a huge concern of the republicans.  Or those in outright poverty.  

    My fiancé and I are very average middle class americans for our age.  We’re very lucky, we have our own house, and we are able to pay our bills and still have something (even if it’s not a whole lot) left over afterward.  This being said, I do have a problem that her outfit costs about 7 times my annual salary.  Being that I am upset by it, imagine how lower income families and families living in poverty feel.

    The cost of education, health care, food, gas, enery, are all major issues in this election.  Cindy McCain’s outfit basically says that the republicans don’t care about these issues.  

    There is nothing wrong with being rich and successful but there are times and places to flaunt it and I don’t think this was one of them.

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