
What is your opinion of a Person who plays Helpless?

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"Helpless, woe is me."

People, man or woman, who say they're having a problem. Then when you ask them if they've taken actions to solve it, they say no. They say they are too afraid.

How do you feel about it when someone is doing this constant whining while at the same time doing nothing?




  1. My best friend used to be like that. She wised up when she saw how pissed off we were getting because of it.

  2. The feminist movement has been portraying women as helpless for 40 years now. The worst example is in domestic violence, but people are finally starting to wake up to the fact that the rate of violence by men/women and women/men is roughly equal. Some people have been pointing this out for decades...

    ... and it would be nice one day if feminism eased up on playing the victim card a little.


    Btw  The feminist movement is far from doing nothing; thy have managed to create extremely prejudiced laws in many countries (e.g. insulting a woman can get you jailed) so it really is a bit rich them to constantly claim victimhood at the hands of The Patriarchy e.g.

  3. Could be an act almost as fatal as one of the tragic Shakespeare plays.

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