
What is your opinion of a partner who watches p**n a lot?

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**to clear it up now, this is not directed at one specific gender**

Your opinion on a romantic partner/husband/wife who watches p**n when their s/o isn't there and does his/her "thing". Doing this on a regular basis.

I read about this in an article, and learned how many marriages it has ruined. How would you feel/handle it if your partner did this?




  1. Depends what type of p**n I suppose.. If it was all L*****n p**n I think I would start to get concerned.. Usually people watch p**n because of a lack of excitement in there personnel s*x life .. that are they have voyeuristic tendency's.

            But if she was paying more attention to p**n than me I would probably either say counseling or I am gone kinda thing.

  2. my opinion is that the s*x life has died and the person

    needs something to revv it up again.

    and its true. it does ruin marriages.

  3. p**n ruined my sister's marriage. Her husband was addicted to it. It was sad.

    If it were me, I wouldn't want my husband to be into p**n. If I were going away for awhile (like on a long trip for several weeks or something), then I wouldn't mind if he used it while I was absent. But in general, I would like to think that I'm good enough for him and he doesn't need to be looking at other women.

  4. If it didn't interfere with the regular relationship, if I wasn't expected to be a p**n star in the bedroom, and if I didn't know about it, I wouldn't care.

  5. You shouldn't need to watch it if you are in a relationship, you can do the stuff you are watching in real life.

  6. I think its normal for women and men to watch p**n so I don't have a problem with my boyfriend watching it, everyone has to please themselves sexually sometimes if their s/o is away. It would be a problem if he watched it every day and it was an addiction or if it was violent p**n but other than that I think its perfectly normal.

  7. There is serious consequences when one gets addicted to p**n.  You may check this med / psych website.  I know it can destroy marriages.  Get professional help before to late.

  8. I think it just means you need to up your game and do more to please your partner.  But only if it's a woman whose boyfriend/husband watches p**n.  A girl should strive to be more like her man's fantasy.  Chances are the girl is already WITH the guy because he is the man of her dreams so there's really no point in him changing.

  9. I would find it somewhat depressing if my husband did this.  I find p**n extremely sleazy and repellent, and it would be a big turn-off for me if my husband was looking at it all the time.  Fortunately, he has no interest in p**n, and in fact despises the Internet altogether.

    However, judging by what I read on the marriage and Divorce section on this site, it seems to be something that modern women are generally expected to put up with.  A lot of men seem to be more interested in p**n than in their wives.  i think this is very sad but I don't know what, if anything, can be done about it.

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