
What is your opinion of cheating on test, by peeking at another persons test?

by  |  earlier

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I personally don't find how peeking at someone else's answers on a test "conning yourself." You won't know the answers anyways. In fact, you may be able to learn something, since you will study it later. Just don't get caught. Even though it supposed to test your knowledge, but it counts for your grade. Say, if your parents strictly only accept a 4.0 from you so you have to. It is just morally wrong. The only con is that it is morally wrong or that you may get caught. Plus, I don't care if someone peeks at my answers on a test.

What is your opinion?




  1. it all depends on what you're cheating on on. if it means not getting in bigger trouble, go ahead.

    if it means bumping you grade up from an F,

    f**k you.

  2. you cant pave your way through life by cheating. in college if you are caught doing that then you WILL get kicked out. and very few colleges will be willing to take you seriously if you get kicked out for cheating. you cant take shortcuts in life and cut corners. do it the right way the first time and you will be ok. i do have a problem with people copying me. why should i do the work for them. its wrong.

    EDIT: yeah some of it you wont need to use. but look at it this way. im 15 years old. my mother barely graduated high school and my dad shows no interest in helping me. i have no one to ask questions to when i need help with my school work. my sister is busy with her work and my brother doesnt live with us. you dont want to be one of those parents who doesnt know how to help your kid. trust me being the kid in that situation is frustrating. yeah you may not like it but studying can be beneficial in the future when you help your kids with the same work.

  3. dont do it.

    if you get caught, say hello to a big fat ZERO.

  4. Well, if you don't cheat, then you will know exactly where you stand on your grades and know how to improve.  Plus, you'll understand that you need to do a better job of studying.

    Well, yes, some of the material won't be used in life.  But when you get a job, sometimes you will need to research apparently pointless things that turn out to be very useful in the long run.  The ability to learn and remember the information you're given will be very valuable in your future, regardless of what the information is.

    However, I do like the soundness of your logic.  You were able to support your stance very well.  Maybe you can use this skill to help you get better grades in school, if you are indeed a student.

  5. Don't rationalize cheating as part of your education.

    You cheat and you're the scum of the earth.  It's beyond morally wrong.  It's reprehensible.  It becomes a filthy habit that you can't break.  You find ways to cheat more and more and you become more brazen about it until you wind up in prison.  Think Enron.

  6. My opinion is life is hard and you have to get through it as Malcom X would say " By any means neccesary" and if that means cheating It's perfectly fine. Look at it this way: Chances are you probably won't use it in the future so who cares. Go ahead and do it just don't get caught.

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