
What is your opinion of marriages with open realtionships?

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Approve or disapprove?

Would you or wouldn't you?




  1. Judge not lest ye be judged. With that being said, I lean toward disapprove. Marriage is sacred for a reason.

  2. Each to their own .

    People have the right to choose.

  3. Disapprove. If you are going to be with other people, be a shack up, and don't get married. I would not because it is ugly, wrong, and it doesnt' work in the end. i know of two women who had open relationships, and they are both divorced.

  4. it will never servive

  5. Uh why get married?

    A official marriage is nothing more than a 'contract' (If you take away anything to do with religion)

    Why not just have an open relationship?

  6. if you have an open marriage then it wouldnt really b a marriage would it...

    disapprove of an open relationship...marriage...

  7. disapprove. someone always gets hurt. always.

  8. There is no right or wrong answer for this one even though people will claim that there is.  If it is right for a couple and both parties agree then it is right for them.  I think the one key is safety but also an open relationship needs to be open withing the couple as well as outside.  I can't see it working if the two people in the marriage are not open and honest with each other about what they are doing.  In the right couple I approve its up to them and if they are not hurting anyone else and only being open with other couples who are in an open relationship or singles then it is probably unfair for others to judge.  There is a lot of room for this sort of thing to go wrong though I think.  Don't know if it would be worth the risks for me.

  9. You get married for a reason to be with one person and one person only!!! Disapprove!!! Open relationships lead to disaster!!!!

  10. Why get married if you both want to be with other people.  Live together and have s*x with anyone you want.

    Keep marriage sacred for the rest of us!

  11. its only to *** each other

  12. We tried that already - in the 70's. The only thing that came of it was no-fault divorce. Nobody does that anymore - for a reason.  

  13. My opinion? It doesn't work.


    No I wouldn't.

  14. it's their life and their choice, if they agree it's ok with me.

    however, it is not a very successful method statistically.  but sometimes it works very well.

    i wouldn't recommend it at all.  i have experience with this and it doesn't work as well as it sounds like it would work.  because of people's feelings.  

  15. Disapprove, once people decided to take that step that should be it. I would never ever consider having open relationships. That's a sure way to a quick divorce.  

  16. Disapprove. Next question?

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