
What is your opinion of s*x education?

by  |  earlier

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  1. It would be nice to have.  But I think it's a major mistake to ask the public schools to teach it, when they can't even teach the kids to read.


  3. I'm taking a s*x education class now at my university...I think if you are to uncomfortable to talk about s*x then you probably shouldn't be having it.  I'm all for teaching s*x in the education field because it brings awareness to STDs, teenage pregnancy, and other issues as well.

  4. i'm against it because it makes some people feel uneasy.

  5. All for it.  If kids are properly educated, they will receive correct information as opposed to what they might learn from friends or on the street.  I work with youth, and I am amazed at how many of the females do not have a basic understanding of their physiology.

  6. Why is this in the radio catagory?

  7. Know what I never took a s*x education class had to learn about it on my own did not have any one teach me lol

  8. Im for it becuase

    if we teens arent inform we could make the wrong decision

    and they tell them some of the dieases you can get maybe they will wait

    so i am for it

  9. It's more than uneasy. It's more than  pregnant. It's STDs and ruining the rest of your life.

    I believe it should be taught. If a parent disagrees, the child can take study hall instead as long as the parent agrees to teach it at home and the child demonstrates knowlege after the fact.

    Why is this in Radio? There are several other boards where you'd get more/better answers.

    -a guy named duh

  10. We Americans are so uptight about s*x, even though it is everywhere in the media.

    I believe that medical facts should be given to children in age appropriate stages.

    The straight facts from a Doctor, parents get too uncomfortable.

    Religious belief should not hinder medical knowledge. But then it should not be the governments job to teach us about s*x.


    So I'm glad I do not have children.

  11. With it. Even though it makes kids feel uncomfortable, eventually they'll be mature enough to handle it. Kids need to know how s*x can easily destroy their lives. They also need to know how important God's gift of sexuality is. I think it's important because kids need to learn before it's too late. TV, radio, and Internet easily make people think s*x can be cool before marriage and at a very young age when it really isn't. I think all school's should teach it in 7th and 8th grade and maybe through High School. Some people in this world are incredibly stupid and want to have s*x when they are 13, 14 or 15. Sure, they KNOW what could happen, but they need it enforced into their brains. They need to know that the media and the world will tell them differently. Nobody wants tons of teenage girls become a single parent. You know how hard that is? Plus they should learn about abortion, euthanasia, and other important topics. They need to be alerted. I'm glad the school I went to taught it well. Some parents are bad role models and don't teach their children about s*x, so I think schools should teach it.

  12. im against it in schools b/c it is a waste of time, all teens already know that s*x makes you preggers and you can get seious dieases and talking about it everyday for a whole hour of school is retarted because they tell you  "dont have s*x" but do they really think we will listen to them....b/c if we want to have s*x we will do it no matter what they say, RIGHT?

    but on the plus side, s*x ed class is good b/c its like a "goof-off" hour since nobody pays attention u can do anything i guess.......

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