
What is your opinion of the US and Americans?

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What is your opinion of the US and Americans?




  1. I agree with Darth.  I have never been to America, so only know what friends and books have informed me.  I do think that their government has a few crazy ideas, they seem to think that they have to play big brother to the rest of the world, yet their own country is not functioning well.

    I suppose they are like all other people in the world, some good and some bad. A little bit of this, and some of that.  Some americans think that they know everything about the whole world, and the rest of the human race is totally dof. I traveled through Spain with an american, and when I commented on how similar the mountains are to those in South Africa, he replied: No they are not!   Ha, ha. Never been in my country, but he knows more than I do!  Idiots like that are two a penny all over the world.

    Like Darth, I have also encountered americans who are good and kind, gentle folk.  Same as anyone all over the world.  The problem with americans is that there are so many of them. Their country is so huge.  Most of us have no clue what it is like there, do you?

  2. Many Americans I have met are big *******. But of course, there are the nice ones. Just that I (and many people I know) have not encountered that many.

  3. I think it's a great country. All other countries are wonderful to travel to, but my home is here.

  4. On an individual basis I think American people are great and caring, but I get the sense that American society is a victim of political correctness, their leaders and to some extent their citizens became arrogant towards the rest of the world, their education system seems to fail their younger generations, because one get the impression that they grew up in a bubble and are being to much protected by their society and restrictive laws. This make the average American look ignorant and stupid to the outside world. I know this cannot be true for all because they are still a great nation and a super power, but it doesn't always look like this from an outside perspective. From what I have seen and read, it seems like a big beautiful and diverse country.

  5. As anyone can tell you - I am opposed to generalizations but on the subject of Americans it is much more fun to generalize. Some days the Canadian counterpart to this forum is one hoot after another.

    Americans are great raw material for Canadian comedians.

  6. America in general - Nice Place, Normal people - but when you take a closer look its when you seem to find the negtive side just like every other contry on earth.

    Sick of hearing bout IRAQ thou - and sure many will agree.

    The only problem i have with america is that its loosing its super power to china - i would'nt mind the americans to stay in power, but china that **** just worries me.

  7. Americans are such a diverse people.  I have travelled all over the US to all states except maybe 5.  I have lived in many different regions of the US also.  To me, to know the people of each region, one must spend time and live there, and mingle with the locals.  

    Massachusetts, in the New England region is beautiful, very traditional area. I lived there 3 years. The climate was very cold for me though, but so beautiful to see it snow in wintertime, big fat flakes coming out of the sky and a warm fire and soup in the house.  Wonderful.  Then when weather clears,  on new snow, to go out walking and learning about nature, tracking wild animal footprints they left behind in the snow.  They experience 4 seasons there, and all are very nice.  People there  have interesting New England accent.

    Mississippi, in Southern US Region , where I currently reside and have for 5 years now, have wonderful people here.  I live in very poor part of the US.  The people are known for their "southern hospitality" and it is true.  They do not have alot of money, or much to offer, but whatever they have they welcome me into their homes to share whatever they have.  Many have no teeth here in the poorest county of Mississippi (Tishimingo) but they still give such a warm welcoming smile I love them dearly.  Jobs are scarce here out in the countryside. In the bigger cities, people are not so poor and able to find jobs easier.  The climate is warm and moist and very cold for a short duration in the wintertime. There are only 2 seasons. People are never in a hurry here, as I can stand in line 10 minutes in the cash register line to hear a warm telling story from the person in front of me.  Really nice people. They have a distinct Southern Drawl accent, and a few new words only spoken by the locals.

    Missouri, MidWest Region I lived in Missouri for 2 years. I did not like it there too much in the town that I lived.  If it is going to be that cold in wintertime, I want lots of snow please to make it look pretty too.  All I remember about that place is that the grass goes "crunch crunch" in the wintertime... lol  People are fine there though. I did not notice any particular accent.

    I was born in California, The West Coast Region, near San Francisco in Northern California. I have alot to say about it but I will try to keep it short.  California is very diverse state in general. It has different from people to topography from the northern to the southern part of state, east to west, each part is very different.  Micro climates (small pockets of mini climates depending on topography) and different cultural communities.  From San Francisco beach to Tahoe in the mountains, one can go from beach to snow in 4 hours drive.  Good place!  In San Francisco and surrounding communities, very hospitable area, one can be from any background and fit in and feel comfortable. But alas, this is area of my birth so I have best things to say for it :)

    Regarding Southern California it is okay place.  Good for tourism and Hollywood.  I have many uncles and aunts and cousins there and spent alot of time there.  But the beauty of San Francisco is greater to me.  Also able to snow ski in the mountains in wintertime too.

    Regarding politics, we have States that are different from national government and local government is very much diverse too.  We are a true democratic people. We may disagree on various issues, both large and small, but one thing we all agree on is that America is wonderful country.

    It is motto to say "land of the free and home of the brave" and "land of equal opportunity." I believe all those things are true. People have made of their lives what they want here, and we love this place too.

  8. the US government is crazy and the American people allow them to do what they want.

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