
What is your opinion of the University of Metaphysics in Sedona?

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I recently met someone who is taking some correspondance courses with them and loves it.

I have never heard of them before so I was wondering if any of you had and what your opinions were. In specific are the courses detailed, informative and interesting? What are the qualifications and experience levels of the instructors?

I know that their "degree" will not be widely accepted, but I am still interested from a personal growth and interest perspective.




  1. Any school of metaphysics is suspect.  Firstly many UNiversities teach theology and religious study of various kinds.  Psychology courses may also include study of the paranormal.  New age makes many unfounded and un scientific claims and there are many who are simply out to make money.  

    On a personal note you may have heard of me, I'm the girl with the strange technology in her that makes all these strange claims.  Yes, I've had loads of psychic and some spiritual experiences.  The point being I'm known by thousands because of this and what the technology inside me shows.  I'm the subject of scientific research into quantum physics and the paranormal.  All this focus on me is pretty intense, not all together pleasant.  Anyway, the point being, I've attracted all this attention because of these abilities.  They're not common place or well understood.  There is not enough factual information about this aspect to the human to make a degree.  I know as a fact that alot of the claims made by new age gurus and spiritualists is rubbish, made up and often presented to appeal to people.  If they can sell you a positive idea you are more likely to pay out to them.

  2. Have you ever been to Sedona?

    Sedona is to crackpots what Hollywood is to aspiring actors.

    I am serious.  Sedona is the Twilight Zone.  There is so much woo-woo and New Age kookiness going on there that even Rupert Sheldrake and Rhonda Byrne think the place is full of wackos.

    EDIT: There is a reason it's not accredited and that reason has nothing to do with the teaching of religion.  There are plenty of religious schools and programs that can receive accreditation.  The reason it receives no academic acknowledgment is because they're teaching complete poppycock.

    If you know anything about what chiropractors claim, you'll know they were and are laughed at for good reason.  That is, until some began to split away from the original metaphysical application of spine alignment (see vertebral sublexation).

  3. Sedona Arizona, 40 miles away from me, Beautiful Red Rock Scenery, Cool pines, Beautiful Oak Creek Running thru her, and every year thousands of GOOFY people wearing robes , and Indulging in the Harmonic Convergence  Festivals  of WHACKYDOM.  There are three types of people there. Rich Retired Folks, Hard working Normal families, and The NEW age spiritual , Meta blah blah harmonic blah blah, place a crystal rock under your pillow and all will balance and be fine people. You have the  ENERGY rock shops, Wiccan Pagan shops , typical tourist traps selling indian this and that . Have bee n going to Sedona to Swim , Camp , and Fish since Childhood . Dont really care for it anymore , The energy these peop[le have been swamping that beautiful little town for , is nothing more than the beauty or (and at one time SILENCE) or the red rocks and hillls, it is now flooded with idiots chanting and humming , and projecting and balanceing   their friggin energy, that there is no place to truly just enjoy the scenery with out some whack job in a robe with a candle in one hand and a cyrstal in the other doing some SPELL, RITUAL, CLEANSING, EMPOWERMENT, OR BLOOD LETTING LOL.

    anyhow metaphysical university me *** . GET THE h**l OUT OF  SEDONA and let it be a beautiful untouched place of nature again.

  4. My opinion is that I wish I'd thought of it!!  Those people are making $mega-bucks$ taking advantage of the ignorant and gullible.

  5. Greetings!

    I am actually going to start the course as well. I read up on it. Basically, since it is consider 'religious study' they cannot be accredited by a college, they have to be acredited by a private company. However, the certificate and training will allow you to practice and be recognized by the state. For example, if you want to be a spiritual counselor, the state that you are in by law would have to recognize you as one.

    Although right now the degree isn't widely accepted, look to the future. Chiropractors where laughed at and a lot of them where told they were wasting their time going to school for that and look at them now.

    Metaphysics is becoming more mainstream everyday. Taking this course will put you ahead of the game. :)

    Nice to see someone else ask about this, when I posted it here, most people just laughed at me.

    I looked at the course info, I wont know how good the material is until I start but I am happy to know that your friend is pleased. :)


    Sorry, I was actually talking about this one:

    I don't think they are the same. I will check out the site you posted. :)

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