
What is your opinion of the anti war/peace protesters.....?

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protesting in front of the of the Republican convention? Are you impressed by peace protesters that attack policemen and vandalize a city?




  1. Peace? Yeah, they're peace protesters alright. Real peaceful.  

  2. Protesting is a way to make the unemployed feel useful.

  3. No.  A lot of them are kids with no vision in life.  Here in NYC,we call them "Crusties".

  4. Freedom of speech - they are entitled to protest, to voice their opinions and beliefs - more power to them!!

    Obama/Biden = a ticket we can ALL benefit from!

  5. Sad really you can protest without violence.Someone could get seriously injured.

  6. They're ignorant. Most of them don't know anything about what they are protesting.

  7. I think anti-war/peace protesters are fine. They have every right to do that.  However riotous behavior of "peace" protesters is apalling.  The whole point is to create peace, and to get people to listen.  To act the part of your cause.  Many of these people do not, and that is a shame.  I am against the war and for peace, I have even protested. Always completely peacefully.  I feel I am slightly more entitled than some (I realise this seems pigheaded, and I do not apologise), because my husband is currently over there fighting.  Seeing and hearing how it is over there makes me hate this war even more, but there is no sense in acting like a lunatic.  That will turn everyone away.  Maybe you will read this and think I am just another Obama supporting/ anti-war idiot, and thats fine.  I just think I bring a slightly more reasonable view of this behaviour.  

  8. It's Absolutely ridiculous.

    With the hurricane and stuff going on right now we dont need protesters being annoying and causing problems.

  9. I'm not impressed by anyone who would go beyond their right to freedom of speech by inflicting violence or harm upon someone else or their property. I think they need to start imposing stiffer sentences for that kind of thing.

    When I see that kind of behavior from people that are supposed to be Americans, it really makes me embarrassed for them, because they obviously haven't been raised properly with any values whatsoever.

  10. real peaceful, hypocrits! and losers.

  11. It's the same loser-like people who protested the WTO in my neighborhood.  It fun to see them pepper-sprayed and then make their little documentaries that no one will see.

  12. That they don't have manners at all.

  13. They are just a bunch of losers.  They wont let the cops deal with real crime such as robberies, domestic violence, etc.... within the city and they get stuck dealing with these losers.

    Do they honestly think protesting is going to do anything?

  14. They are a joke. They protest for peace by causing riots and fires?

    My nephew with down syndrome has more brains then they do

  15. If it was a peaceful protest without breaking any laws, it's their right guaranteed by the constitution. They protested at the Democratic convention as well. If they are breaking laws and vandalizing then deserve to pay the price.

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