
What is your opinion of the product Riddex Plus plug in, that plaid on the T.V. Commercial?

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What is your opinion of the product Riddex Plus plug in, that plaid on the T.V. Commercial?




  1. I have to tell you I was skeptical of it, but my sister recently moved into an apartment complex and had an apartment full of them. She has been using it now for a week and no more roaches. We never had roaches in our house so when we saw it in her new apartment we freaked! I wouldn't have believed it worked unless I had used it, and it works! I hope it helps you out!

  2. Well, in my opinion it doesn't work when it comes to spiders.  I purchased two of these before they were called Riddex plus while living my apartment and I had one in my room and one in the living room.  I came home from work and noticed a nice big spider on my wall.  It was three feet above the Riddex and from the looks of it, the spider wasn't going crazy at all.  It just sat there.  In my living room we had constant spiders because there was a huge tree outside our balcony so imagine how many spiders we had to kill.  Sad to say a lady burned me and seven other units out of our home and I noticed the spider problem had vanished.  Needless to say heavy smoke or a large amount of vibration will remove these spiders.  That so called electronic Riddex doesn't work at all.  I left both of them at that apartment and someone probably thrown them away because that's basically what they are, garbage.

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