
What is your opinion of these names????

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My husband and I are having our second child, and we are having a hard time with names. We have narrowed it down to these few. I am really hoping it is a girl since I have a wonderful son named Kaine(cain). If it is a girl I really like Gwyneth Bell(most likely call her Gwyn). Two other choices are Amelia or Lydia no middle names for those help please. Boy names are Damian Saint(no Damian doesnt mean the devil I looked it up). Also we were thinking of Jameson ????? What do you think any opinions or suggestions will be greatly appreciated.




  1. Love the name Gwyneth Bell, you should definitely stick to it its very different and sounds girly and pretty :) Lydia would be great too, you could try Lydia Rose, Lydia Marie, Lydia Bree, Lydia Paige

    Im not too much for damian saint, although you could try Damian Brady, or Damian Liam.. Jameson is great too.. Jameson Lee, Jameson Marc, Jameson David, Jameson Quinn

  2. I could like Gwyneth Bell, if Belle were spelt as such. I like Damian, but do not care for Saint. What about Damian Santo? Which means Saintly.

    I also really like Amelia and Lydia

    Amelia Briar and Lydia Bronwen

  3. Love the names Lydia and Damian...<3


  4. Sorry hate Gwyneth Bell & Damian Saint.  Amelia is ok.  Why not Jackson instead of Jameson?

  5. Amelia or Damian!!!!

  6. I like Gwyneth & Lydia (Liddy for short). Boy I like Jameson. You could use Darrick or Damen.

  7. i'm not really into these new millenium names that sound like last names.  i guess i'm a throw back.  and damian saint is not cute at all even though it doesnt mean that evil stuff but he's gonna be in for a lot of ridicule. it sounds like some corny  b movie action hero name

  8. i like Jamison for a girl and her nickname is Jamie.. i like Damian Saint too

  9. How about Gwyneth Amelia?  I like Jameson.

  10. How about Lydia Grace? Damian Bryson? Damian Gage? Damian Brody? Damian Christian? good luck and Congrats.Hope I helped.  

  11. I think Lydia Nicole is just gorgeous.

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