
What is your opinion of this Opinion column by editor Neil Cavuto?

by Guest55673  |  earlier

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It's August.

It's early.

But for Democrats, it's over.

Over. Done. Fini.

At the risk of sounding like I've snapped...allow me this snap judgment.

The Democrats have just lost the presidency this week.

For them, a horrible week.

So discombobulated. So inconsistently communicated and messaged, that they've lost their message.

And I think, this election too.

Because here's the deal as we end this week, my friends.

The Dems...are done.

I know. Laugh all you want. And I will conveniently destroy this message in the event I'm wrong.

But here's why I don't think I am.

During this crucial defining period that brought a Russian bear out of hibernation and a befuddled Nancy Pelosi into drilling reality...allow me to drill home this point.

Democrats lost a lot of mojo this week, their only saving grace that it's an August week.

I don't think that will save them.

Not when Russia threatens a new Cold War and the best their presumptive nominee can do is offer hope warring parties could put aside their hostilities...

While his opponent calls Russia what it clearly was and is: a bully. And a bully that must be dealt with.

And if his presidential metal wasn't tested enough...Barack Obama caves to Hillary Clinton and allows a roll call vote. He's doing it for all good and decent reasons. But nothing good or decent will come of it....her supporters still don't flip over him, no matter what he does to accommodate them.

He's given Hillary a prime time speech. Bill a prime time speech. Chelsea a prime time speech. Is Sox the Cat still around?

My god, who won this d**n thing? Show some backbone, man!

Then in the middle of the week Obama's economic team comes out with this grand explanation of a tax cut package that reminds all again...not of cuts promised for the middle class...but serious hikes for those who don't much consider themselves above middle class.

And charges again that these new numbers "still" don't add up as we explored on this very show.

On the very same week Nancy Pelosi read the furor among her own members and decided to backtrack on that no-drilling vote thing.

Not good things for a party that said it would lead the charge.

It shouldn't be this way...with the slowing economy, democrats should be running away.

But they look weak on a military crisis.

Inconsistent on an economic crisis.

And impotent on their own brewing political convention crisis.

Things change. Tides ebb and flow.

But I think we will look back to this week in August as the time the party that had it all in the bag...just puked in it.




  1. Pretty much nailed it.

  2. I read today that Nancy Pelosi has had a change of mind about drilling......too much support for it.... She can see that most Americans want drilling and she is starting to do the "back peddle" now.....what do you think?

  3. He's right.  I think Putin just handed the lection to McCain.  

  4. he hit the nail on the head...really nothing to be added to this well thought out step by reasoned step explanation of the why's and the how's....its right on the $$$$ i would differ on the Clinton [entitlement brigade] Neil is crediting Obama with good and decent reasoning for allowing the sham, thats going to be taking place at the Democratic convention....He is Wrong, there is nothing Good or Decent about it

    he caved in period......if he can cave into an over aged cad, and his middle aged wife....what the h**l would he do in time of a crisis, its a frightening revelation, Senator Obama isn't ready to Lead, no way no how...and he has the OLD Clinton Machine to thank for it, along of course with personal responsibility,like giving his ''BALLS'' to Hilary

    he must have, because he sure don't have them...i say i will take Michelle Obama over Hilary Clinton. 7 days a week twice on Sunday

    Barry better tuck in the little he has because his biggest beat down is yet to come, Michelle is rightfully royally ticked at wimp of a husband

    The bright side of this i guess is  ,,, he doesn't get in, and we are a little safer because of it . Its really sad state of affairs.  

  5. wow is he still around, I used to watch bhim 20 years ago.

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