
What is your opinion of this issue on 86 year old n**i War Criminal and his punishment??

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Please read this article and let me know what you think of Peter Egner and his upcoming situation




  1. The reporter make it clear that the issue is whether Egner obtained enter papers in 1960 via fraudulent statements. It would be interesting to know what statements were made during the citizen testing process.  After that, you have 19 year old during the time frame of 1941-43.  By 1943 Germans who knew the material facts were aware of the war ending in defeat.  The fear level was high.   Was a 19 year old a superior in the "Death Squad?"   What were Egner's options.  Is there evidence that he was a zealot in the Death Squad?   Using the petitioner's strongest evidence the accused was a Sargent in SPSS.  His role was for a 9 month period  ,under the news report,  in Serbia.    Egner was not  a policy maker.  There should be more required than his rank of sargent in the German police force. At the time this man was serving a government that was in full charge. There are so many superior officers you would have to ignore to get to this 19 year old.  What were Egner's options.  "I was following orders" becomes a legitmate defense, if the accusations are assumed to be true,  in the case of a 19 year old.  This man spent  his formative years under Hitler's Groupthink.   Where is the break point at which a participant is a follower rather than a war criminal.  The conditions at the hearing in federal court should at least be as liberal to Egner as is to murders on our streets.  The paperwork form the citizenship test should be high probative.

  2. I say let him stay. We let millions of Mexican criminals into the country, why not a German criminal?

    At this point what does the punishment matter? He is dead soon anyway. Is it really worth the expense?

    As for the comment about letting it go, blacks in this country still aren't over slavery, even though not one of them was a slave.

    As for the comments about American/Israeli war crimes? Against whom? Terrorists? Terrorists are rabid dogs and should be treated as such. Hunted down and executed.

  3. double standards america and isreal are committing war crimes as we speak its time we hunted them down like the dogs they are

  4. I think it's time for the jews to let it all go and move on. That was nearly a century ago. Most "n**i" soldiers didn't have much choice in obeying orders. All the real leaders are long dead, and to take out revenge on the underlings is beyond pathetic. Incidentally, the shortest book in all the world is the jewish book of common courtesy.

    To sam: Yes, I would tell them to get over it to their faces. The rest of the world has moved on, and we are all kind of tired of hearing about the holocaust.

  5. I think what he did was awful but he is now 86 he is probably delusional now and doesn't even know what he did back then, and really how much longer is he truly going to live now, if he wasn't prosecuted when he did it years ago, now that he is a weathering old man to me I would just let it go, it's not going to fix what happened in the past or bring any one back, and when he meets his maker he will pay for what he did if he hasn't suffered threw his life already he now that is older may be sorry for what he did, I think punishing him at this age really dose no one any good but that just my opinion

  6. This person should leave this country for the reason of not declaring he was a member of n**i party.

  7. kill him.

  8. Considering the Holocaust there isn't a punishment sufficient.

  9. 86 years old eh!

    Maybe he should get a life sentence.

    Make him serve at least 25 years.

    (but only if he lives long enough to get tried)

    Keep an eye out for a really horrific assault on the West Bank or Gaza.

    Israel always starts the Holocaust stuff up again just before they commit another atrocity.

  10. At the end of the day he was a war criminal. He put innocent people to death. He deserves everything that gets thrown at him.

    Edit- Bones: Your opinion disgusts me. In 50 years time are you going to tell all the Americans they need to get over 9/11? It may have happened nearly 63 years ago but I'm pretty sure some of the jews that were in the concentration camps are still alive or have families that are still alive today. I wonder would you go and tell them to get over it?

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