
What is your opinion of this poem (maybe a song) that I wrote?

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This poem I wrote about someone who didn't even know but still managed to mess up my life. I don't know who they are but I still can't forgive them...but what does the poem say to you the reader? Where does it take you if anywhere?

All comments and feed back welcome. Thank you in advance for your responses.

I don’t know how to forgive you

You never knew me

You never cared to know me

All you saw was that I was happy

You saw me in love

You saw me with an angel child

I wish you no harm

I wish you no ill

But I don’t know how to forgive you

I hope you sleep well at night

Knowing you have taken my life

You didn’t think of her or me

You didn’t feel for either of us

All you saw was happiness

You couldn’t accept love

So you decided to break us up

I wish you no harm

I wish you no ill

But I don’t know how to forgive you

I hope you sleep well at night

Knowing you have taken my life

Didn’t you stop to think?

Didn’t you stop to feel?

Has life been so hard?

Has life frozen your heart?

That you couldn’t stand love

I wish you no harm

I wish you no ill

But I don’t know how to forgive you

I hope you sleep well at night

Knowing you have taken my life

Why did you have to do it?

Why did you have to break our love?

What did you gain from it?

What was your reward?

Maybe you just hate love

I wish you no harm

I wish you no ill

But I don’t know how to forgive you

I hope you sleep well at night

Knowing you have taken my life


Written by Broken Heart ©

Copyright 2008




  1. Woow, this is very personal and very sad...I think you just let your heart speak...its good to that sometimes.

    I hope you are fine now:)

    And I think these lyrics are more suitable for some song with some good melody.

  2. i really like it! that's a great to express yourself! is without sarcasm &grief,  

  3. i think it shows alot of hurt and emotion. i think it was really good, but i have one question what did this person do to you?

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