
What is your opinion of vegetarians?

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Do you think its good/bad silly/clever


Stars appreciated ;)




  1. I think it's just plain silly!* And I just do not understand why the will eat Turkey and Chicken etc....!* Your starred, Good ?

  2. NEEKY!!!!!

    Just eat the stinkin meat man!

  3. Well my best mate is a vegetarian and she is just too d**n clever. Correcting teachers when she was just 12!! She's very nice and a good person. You can't hate her. But I don't generalize any groups, so I don't know they are all different.

  4. Don't have what you like!

  5. Eat meat! You need the protein!

  6. I love em since im one of them!

  7. @BrittanyB- Sorry to burst your bubble, but no, meat is not essential for good health.

    I've been meat free for 11 years. Vegetarians are just normal people who happen to not eat meat & by products of slaughter.

    Albert Einstein said that going vegetarian is the best thing you can do for the planet:

    ''Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet''.

    [edit] This question is too broad. You cannot comment on every vegetarian, just like you cannot comment on *all* religious people. This question encourages people to make sweeping generalisations about a large group of *diverse* people.

  8. i personally dont think one way or the other..after all its only your opinion that matters...vegetarians will say its great and that everyone should be it

    non-veggies will say they would rather be an omni

    its all about personal opinion...i personally have nothing against vegetarians aslong as they dont try to insult me or put me down

    there is nothing wrong with being a vegetarian, vegan or omnivore

    live and let live

    I'm neither a vegetarian or vegan. My OCD makes me answer questions.

  9. stand for what they believe in

  10. I cant star because I do not find the question interesting, its certainly not worth one!

    Do you mean What do you think of a vegetarian diet?  

    As you cannot generalise about vegetarians as people!

    What do you think of the catholics? Or the British? Or Jews?

    What do I think of your question? Bad/Silly.

    (no disrespect to any of the above mentioned)

  11. i dont think what we eat defines us as people. if it does, then that is being very superficial. if i prefer french fries over baked potatoes, am i going to be judged by this?

  12. As a veggie for 40 years,i think we are fab.

    I just wish i had a £1 for every time i have answered this question in this section.

    It gets asked so often.

    I am always intrigued why so many dead animal eaters are so fascinated by vegetarianism.

    I will star you,as i think your question is among the better phrased than :)

  13. My total honest opinion? I have so much respect for them that they can make such a change in thier lives and stick to it. They are standing up for something they believe in. I do think it's a little silly to think that if one stops eating meat they will stop animal slaughter,  but hey it's a good thought... and with effort, who knows? They might be able to cut down animal slaughter because it's becoming so popular. I don't think we will find a day when everyone is a vegetarian, so animals will always die for food, but I guess it's cool that they make the effort. I really think vegans are a bit extreme, but hey... they also make a very good effort and I respect them!

    PS- I don't appreciate the thumbs down. I was asked my OPINION. I am not putting anyone down, why should I get a thumbs down? So what if you don't agree with me... the question CLEARLY asks for an opinion. I don't understand some people. =/

  14. It's great if that's what they want.

    But why do they never shut up about it, as if they are superior to meat-eaters?

  15. Vegitarians rock!

    Do you have any Idea how much Self control and dedication it takes??

    We don't just not eat meat because we want to stop sleaughter.. its Gross!! Why would anyone want to eat something that comes from a slaughter house!! its nasty! Have you ever seen those Videos of just how they get that Meat? Believe me you would never eat it again, its Cruel and disgusting!

    Why put someone down for a life choice? Its not Silly or stupid, its brilliant!

  16. Vegetarianism is good, but sadly, the dairy and egg industries are the cruelest of all.

  17. i personally dont think one way or the other..after all its only your opinion that matters...vegetarians will say its great and that everyone should be it

    non-veggies will say they would rather be an omni

    its all about personal opinion...i personally have nothing against vegetarians aslong as they dont try to insult me or put me down

    there is nothing wrong with being a vegetarian, vegan or omnivore

    live and let live

    Cheers for the thumbs down...just proves people dont like non-veg opinions

  18. I am a vegan and I appreciate everyone who commented your question, still WE DO GET PROTEIN, just in ways that do not harm animals. So, you cant possibly say that eating meat is the only-one way...because then you would be forgetting its the 21st century. I love vegan and vegetarianism, Go November 1!! National vegan day....take care and I think it is cleaver and good...definitly not silly, very thought-out.

    Take care


    Jada Nicole Madden

  19. Personally, i think its good that i have a lower risk of heart disease, and many other meat - involved problems.

  20. It's a good, wholesome lifestyle. But, if it's used as a way to feel superior to those that eat meat, then it's silly.

  21. I once dated a vegetarian. He had a hot bod.

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