
What is your opinion on Islam?

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... It seems this is the most precise question I can possibly ask on the matter, before being targeted for deletion.

It's become obvious to me that Muslims and multi-cultural conservatives...

(Yes, it is possible. By which I mean people who view multiculturalism as a non-negotiable value, while never actually being, themselves, exposed to the case nor studying the actual impact of tolerance taken to the extreme... Meaning to tolerate the intolerable, because people displaying said intolerable behavior would be offended.)

...will do everything in their power, so these themes are never talked about.

Per exemple, it is impossible to discuss the Sharia Law in any negative way, less being flooded by posts telling us the Sharia Law can be interpreted, or isn't wished by most Muslims... while dismissing the fact that, wherever it is applied, we are faced with a barbaric justice system... I could go on about how people would answer that those countries are controlled by dictators... but I will be removed if I start talking about the link between Islam and dictators...

...How about the Hidjab? Well, can't talk negatively about it either... After all, we have no right to tell these people that wearing a veil in Occident is an insult to the millions of women who were tortured and killed, because they were too educated, at the wrong place at the wrong moment, or simply to flatter the ego of men.

I would be answered that the hidjab (and other constrictive garments) are worn in respect for God and for humility... while we can't answer back that it has nothing to do with it. That it is simply a method of physical control, destined to point out from the start who are to "good" women from the whores, to be a constant reminder of a woman's place and inferiority, to remind women to live in the constant fear of being raped.

... It is also destined as a trick and give the illusion that the way a woman dresses has anything to do with the intention of a man to go out and rape someone.

(I've had plenty of Muslim insignificant answers, which I will not burden you with.)

...We also can't talk about how Islam isn't a religion, but a complete way of life, including economical, social and legislative aspect destined to control absolutely everything.

In this aspect, we cannot talk about the fact (yes, any occidental who actually studies Islam [without the intention to convert] considers this to be a fact) that Islam is not a religion of Peace. That, instead, it is a religion of submission with clearly defined classes and enemies (namely Jews), which intent is to create a Muslim World.

...Yes... a Muslim World... not a Multi-cultural acceptant and human-rights respecting Muslims World.

Muslim World.

Think about it...




  1. Nothing more than a biased opinion. And that too without studying in depth.

    Studying the opinions and interpretations of scholars is one thing and studying the actual code (Quran) in isolation with the interpretations and mistranslations is an ENTIRELY different thing.

    Peace is a very hypothetical and hypocritical terminology. For example the biggest champions of peace are the worst when it comes to practice. Today we are studying and watching movies of the victors point of view. Tomorrow, when someone else will rise, I am sure the people will write that the USA dropped the Two nuclear weapons on INNOCENT CIVILIANS in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, saying that it is required to kill the innocent to achieve PEACE.

    You cannot be at peace with OPPRESSORS and AGGRESSORS. Would you make peace with people who would say RAPE you, or persecute you OR burn your home and say who would try to kill you.

    In fact if you are UNCONDITIONALLY peaceful then you simply cannot exist.

    Since you have ALREADY chosen to be an opponent, then you may continue the way you are, and go to h**l !!! for sure.


    The comment is RIGHT in the first line of my answer e.g. "A biased Opinion".

    And the reason is also given just below that. You are stating all this because you are flowing with your media. Just as the majority of American idiots think and say that it was the job of a "Bin Laden" and "Al-Qaida". And they found that the hijackers were studying Arabic manuals of flying the Big aircrafts. (And mind it, I am not saying this because I read it in the media of my country, but I saw all this on CNN, ABC etc. etc. etc. so it is a first hand information, not like yours).

    You are truly miserable INDEED !!!!


    1-  Islam is the ONLY religion of the world that gives the GREATEST rights to the minorities.

    Ask a knowledgeable Athiest professor of religion, and surprise yourself, with the answer.

    2-  Sharia:  The matter is too complicated to be decisive. The first thing to decide is what is the source of Sharia?

    The majority of Muslims would say "Quran and Hadith". OK, as far as Quran is concerned we do not have a second version of the book. So what comes from it is only one thing. But what about the Hadith. It comes in Hundreds of flavors. Its boundaries are not defined. The greatest divisions are between the sunnis and shias. Then sub divisions, then sub sub sub divisions etc. etc.

    Therefore this is a very debatable issue.

    For example, there is NO SUCH thing as "Stoning to death" as a punishment in the ENTIRE Quran. For a specific crime (Adultery), the punishment is 100 lashes in the Quran. While as per Hadith (specific flavors), it is stoning to death. THe two are not equal. So if the ORGANIZED Islam forces such inhuman and unjustified penalties on Muslims, it does not mean that the problem is with the Quran. It means the problem is with the Organized Islam and the Muslims who do not get together to overthrow the Organized Islam mafia.

    Blaming this on Quran will not help. Because no matter what you come up with, we are not going to leave it.

    3-  Hijaab. The word has NEVER EVER been used for clothing in the Quran. The word has been used in 7 verses, but NEVER for clothing for either men or women. THe complete DRESS code as per Quran is in 24:31. Read it , in ISOLATION with the interpretation of scholars and braces (in the translation) and tell me if it says "Hijaab", the way muslims describe / practice it.


    Muslims are suffering from the Retribution of Allah (God). Just as the Jews suffered for their deviations. They will continue to suffer UNTIL, they become an athiest (then they will have a different retribution for them) OR until they come in serious submission to Quran.

    There is NO middle ground in this matter.


    ps:iam sorry couldn't read that what u wrote that long..

  3. My opinion is resumed by the six articles of faith in Islam: 1. Belief in Allah 2.Belief in Angles, 3. Belief in the Books (Scriptures) of Allah 4. Belief in the Prophets of Allah, 5. Belief in the Day of Judgment and 6. Belief in the Divine Laws  


    Umar ibn Khattab, may Allah be pleased with him, relates:  

    We were sitting in the company of the Holy Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, when suddenly a man arrived. He was wearing clean, white clothes and his hair was jet black. He did not look as though he were a traveler and he was not known to any of us. He sat down close to the Holy Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, his knees touching the knees of the Holy Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him. He said: O Muhammad, tell me something about faith. The Holy Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, replied:  

    "Faith is that you should believe in Allah, His Angels, His Books and His Prophets; that you should believe in the Day of Judgment and that you should believe in the Divine Laws relating to good and evil." (Tirmidhi)  


    Ali ibn Talib, may Allah be pleased with him, relates that he Holy Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said:  

    "The faith is that one recognizes God at heart, accepts Him verbally and acts on His commandments." (Ibni Majah).

  4. I think there are a lot of good Muslims, and they, like the rest of us, have to stand up together and call radical Islam what it is: hate filled bigotry... just like radical Christianity.

  5. 1) Muslims = Human beings

    2) Hijab = is a choice if they want to wear one they should have the right to do so.  Like you have the right to wear whatever you want.  If you feel insulted that some muslims wear the hijab then this is your problem and not theirs.  I'm a muslim and i do not wear the hijab nor do i believe that it is cumplsory to wear one still i do respect those who chose to wear one like respect the ones who wear whatever.

    3) I think you have to learn that people are different and they do not necessarily share your point of view but this does not mean that they are all wrong and you are right nor does it mean that you are wrong and they are all right.

    4) Islam existed for thousand and thousand of years and once upon a time the Islamic world used to be one of the greatest civilzation whereas the west was considered to be a barabaric society that still lived in the dark ages.  Once we were a developed world and you were a developing one and now you are a developed world and we are a developing world.  So Islam is not to blame really is just a cycle.

    Edit- it's not cumplsory if you want to discuss it you can email me.  It is  a very controversial subject.  Fact is most muslims didn't wear the hijab in teh 20s up until the 70s they started doing so just recently.  Before that people wore a head cover for social reasons and it used to be the dress code  and didn't have to do anything with religion now people say it is cumplsory but there are controversies about this among muslims.  The niqab is an absolutely no, no bec. even when you go to mecca you HAVE to show your face people must see who you are.  Thieves, rapists, etc wear a niqab to cover up their identiyt, therefore the only thing i believe should be banned is the face cover bec. people must your face for security   reasons.

    Muslims must be tolerant towards Jews, the quran acknowledges Judaism and it calls them the People of the Book and muslims should respect everyone including g**s.  We have no right to judge or harm anyone the only thing we are allowed to do is spread the message to those who want to hear.

    Edit  - Thanks :-) I didn't accept that at all

    Hope this helped

  6. Hmm.. I think it can be seen in a bad way, and it can also be seen in  a peaceful nice way! xD

    btw Nora: Its COMPULSORY in Islam to wear a Hijab! Well, after you start your period.. However wearing a Vile (Niqaab) is an option

    EDIT: Hmm.. Okay I'll Just email you then! xD

    lol But i know it's Complusory Because of this Hadith:

    Aisha said, "Asma, daughter of Abu Bakr (that is, Aisha’s sister), entered upon the Apostle of God (pbuh) wearing thin clothes. The Apostle of God turned his attention from her and said, "O Asma, when a woman reaches the age of menstruation, it does not suit her except that she displays parts of her body except this and this," and he pointed to her face and hands. (Sunan Abi Dawud)

  7. Yes there are extremists who believe that all unbelievers must be converted or put to the sword. Most Muslims dont share that view. My guess is that many dont give a ****. But remember that was the way the average Christian thought a few hundred years ago. Fortunately, the West had what is called the Enlightenment in the 17th/18th Centuries. This is what the Middle East needs far more than it does Democracy.

  8. Every time I give my opinion on Islam I get reported. I think this answers your question.

  9. It is monotheism and the religion of God

    Those who oppose it are pagans and the doomed

  10. I won't discuss your view on it. It is a religion, which is a personal choice. As all the other religions, you can make it good or bad. Intolerance is another subject and it can breed in all societies. Religion can come with intolerance or they can come completely separate from each other. They can even be nonexistent. Religion can be good or bad, as so can be intolerance. You can use religion to demand other people to change their behavior (like abortion, for instance - I won't discuss here if it is right or wrong) or you can be intolerant of self-righteous people and demand your space.

  11. my opinion is:islam is the only true religion left in this world.

    me is a muslim

  12. Keep BURNing in h**l (h**l being a state of being in *this* life (I believe)) (lol.)

    And I'm a Christian.

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