
What is your opinion on Libras?

by Guest32601  |  earlier

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I was just wondering what you guys think about Libras in general. I find most of our qualities are true for me, I'm indecisive, intolerant of criticism, gullible, easily influenced, self-indulgent, sulky, and really into my style etc. However I don't feel I am THAT manipulative, at least I don't know I am being manipulative if i am.

Also, my boyfriend is a Virgo. Do you feel that you can predict compatibility by comparing signs? I have to agree with what they say about a libra/virgo match but above all I love him and that's all that matters.

Thanks for anyone who gives their input.




  1. im also a libra and i dont think that a virgo libra relationship would last. i also think that us libras are always justified in everything we do. we love nice things and are easy going people.

  2. LIBRAS! Oh I love you guys! My best friend and boyfriend are both Libras. Indecisive, most definitely! But you're honest about it at least! As a Cancer indecisiveness is nothing...especially since we're prone to it ourselves! Sulky? Never met a sulky Libra. In my experience if you're upset about something you tend to tell someone, and then someone else, and then someone else. Lol. Manipulative? My best friend tends to tap into that part of her Libra-ness when I get upset. She's honest about it though. My boyfriend is really bad with it, he'll try and guilt me into going places with him and such.

    Overall, my experience with Libras have been positive, positive, positive, positive! I hold you guys in high esteem. Especially when it comes to relationships. You make excellent friends and great partners. Your sense of what's fair is right on point, and I never feel under appreciated at the end of the day.  

  3. libras are fun, social interesting talented, full of ideas but they are also emotional , poetic ,gossipy, indesisive and can be back stabbers ...they try to be as good as they can, their intentions are never bad

  4. well libras are good! lol i am a libra and i love it! my sister is a virgo and i love her very much! so yes you can get alone with virgo

  5. Well I'm a Libra, but I am not gullible, easily influenced, sulky, or all about making peace. I'm not in love with love, I'm not flirtatious, and I don't have an overriding need for fairness.

    I am able to view a situation from all sides, and I often defend the underdog. I can be charming, and I know how to get my way without others even realizing it.

    I think that every Libra is different depending on the influences in their birth chart. The same goes for compatibility. We are more than one sign, and the Sun sign is just merely brushing the surface.

  6. Libras are fun, nice, sweet, talented and flirty.

  7. their good, I have a friend who's a Libra

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