
What is your opinion on Nuclear Energy in the US - should we build more or abandon the technology...?

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...I think we should be utilizing the technology, funding research, and building more nuclear plants to power our country. The more we use the technology (I feel) the faster we will solve any possible problems, like dealing with the waste and making them even safer. Your thoughts?




  1. We should be designing and building them as fast as we can. Also we should be taking advantage of all other sources of energy. Solar, wind, geothermal and any other we can develop.

  2.   First you solve the problem of the waste.I know our goverment has spent a billion dollars on storing it in a cave(not one once has been stored yet) but it not the answer.I know France and other countries are happy with nuclear power, but as safe as you want them to be, there is always a  chanch of a meltdown like Russia experiened.  We still don't know the long term effect of that fiasco.Get a crash program going for fussion,thats endless power with no waste.In the meantime sun ,wind , and the conservation of the use of power, will go a long way to energy independence.

  3. Build it up a lot. Its cheap and safe.  

  4. We are fools for not taking advantage of nuclear energy.  Europe is laughing at us.  Especially France - they supply much of Europe's energy using nuclear power!

  5. Nuke power is VERY clean but when the fuel is expended, it needs to be stored indefinitely (rough estimates are 10,000 years) as it still has enough radio activity to be deadly to any living thing around it.

    We really need to use renewable resources like Wind, Water (not dams, but other alternatives-- or solar......

    Individual businesses and homeowners need to be encouraged to apply alternative power to their home/business and sell excess to the grid.  If enough of us use alternatives and feed back onto the grid, the power plants would be all but idle and pretty much on standby.

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