
What is your opinion on Prisons today?

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Do you think people find prison easy or do you think they have it hard in there?

I'm having a debate and i would be interested in your thoughts.

Thank you.




  1. Too soft!

  2. Too easy. They are more like hotels with the luxury but at the tax payers expense. They also have the opportunity to gain valuable qualifications that some decent citizens can only dream of. I wish I had the link to show you of a recently built prison, it was more like a state of art tourist complex! No the wonder crime pays...!

  3. They are more like holiday camps than prisons that's why they are not a deterrent.

  4. As a Correctional Officer I can tell you prison is not fun. Yeah it's come a long way from chain gangs and the sort but it is still punishment. I see inmates who miss their family so bad it pushes them to stupid things such as suicide. They have to work or take classes it's not daycare. I hope this helps some.

  5. Not enough of them and they are far too cushy!

  6. Cat A prisons (like Wakefield for instance) are unbelievable (allegedly). Single cell occupancy, video games in the cells, state of the art gyms, sky tv, the works. Oh and don't forget the drugs that get smuggled in.

  7. People who end up in prison are often from rough area, have no education and have a low income.

    In prison they get educated, fed, free rent, free tv, games consoles saftey etc.

    I'm sure that if they could move their family in they would never leave.

    Prison is supposed to be punishment for what they have done. In my opinion enough people get away without going to prison so we should atleast treat the ones we do "punish" as prisoners.

    I am on about the U.K

  8. The local pensioners association in Wilmington-on-sea has decided not to pay council tax this coming winter, preferring to be sent to jail for 6 months , where they can enjoy free heating and utilities, three meals a day and colour T.V. Sounds like a plan.  :)  

  9. the u.k prison system is a complete joke. life should mean life. most people do less than half a sentence.

  10. A cushy alternative to bed and board no utility bills or council tax to pay. It sounds like heaven !! :)

  11. I've worked with people who have been to prison and they couldn't care less about it.  They all think it is easy.

  12. They are far too cushy. Drop the cable TV and other niceties and you will have fewer people trying so hard to get in.

  13. What a waste of time and life.

  14. I think that in today's society, prison sentences, and the way police departments go about them are far too easy on the criminals. Most murderers are sentenced to life in jail, which 30 years ago would have actually meant life, and they would most likely have died there. However, today, a life sentence is more or less 14 years give or take a year or two, which is not life at all, and barely a quarter of some peoples lives. This way the criminals are not being punished at all for their crime, and therefore they may commit another crime likely to this one, and cause another family heart broken for life. I hope I have helped you in expressing my thoughts.


  15. the prisons are much too easy on comvicts.

  16. UK.

    Obviously they are popular places as people keep going back inside. Maybe they should be made tougher until people didn't want to go back inside after the first time.

  17. Far too easy. We need chain gangs and hard labour. And build more prisons of course. And quadruple all sentences.

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