
What is your opinion on s*x OFFENDERS?

by  |  earlier

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Are you somebody who hates s*x offenders, no matter what? Do you think, it doesn't matter if they were just young and stupid and made one mistake, they're still a s*x offender and they should be hated and despised and their every move watched.

Or are you a person who can see the other side of the fence? You think, They made a mistake. They screwed up. Like we all do. Oh, well. As long as they learned their lesson, i don't really care.

Personally, i see the other side of the fence. They s***w up once, fine. Everybody makes at least one big mistake in their life. But if they do it AGAIN, that's when they got a problem. And even I (as open minded as i am) would be quick to judge, and quick to hate them.

So let me ask YOU. What's your opinion on s*x OFFENDERS?




  1. I think your all crazy. I judge no one, no matter what they did. I don't hold any mistakes against a person, but I do ask that they pay for them. If they have, then leave it be. If they repeat the crime, than they have a problem. But a s*x offense to me is no different than murder, robbery, or dealing drugs. Its all equally wrong. This country is so messed up now because people judge others when they tthemselves aren't perfect. Like the saying goes, "becareful of stones that you throw".

  2. As a registered s*x offender its hard out here. Yes i made the mistake i paid for this mistake and now i pay for every four months with cash and having my name out there on the web.
    The one thing i found even after all this i have a good relationship with my daughter (who wasnt the victim) with the ex wife and even the one i did offend. even with that all i hear is hate hate hate. Yes it was a bad crime and yes i know what i did was wrong but if the victim of this crime can forgive why shouldnt society. Im in the process of getting my name forever off the this list with the help of the victim and the famly of my crime. Can s*x offenders be help and find a better way of life yes. Most can as one stated only 3% re offend the same type of crime. a dark time im my life is past but i am reminded of it every four months. And one thing about the registry its a failure as i moved away and didnt register for many months stopped by the the police and state patrol for speeding nothing i hid so to speak out in public if you think your neighbor is a good guy just because you dont see his name on the list think again could be hiding out in public and you would never know. most of us want to live as normal lives as we can....yes there are bad people out there and many need the keys thrown away but the majority wants to live normal lives and remember the pain the hurt we cause that victim and the family....not be looked with hate and spite. it what we live with each day....i hope one youre never falsely accused of this crime and if you do committed a s*x crime i hope you find the help you need and never ever do this again.

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