Are you somebody who hates s*x offenders, no matter what? Do you think, it doesn't matter if they were just young and stupid and made one mistake, they're still a s*x offender and they should be hated and despised and their every move watched.
Or are you a person who can see the other side of the fence? You think, They made a mistake. They screwed up. Like we all do. Oh, well. As long as they learned their lesson, i don't really care.
Personally, i see the other side of the fence. They s***w up once, fine. Everybody makes at least one big mistake in their life. But if they do it AGAIN, that's when they got a problem. And even I (as open minded as i am) would be quick to judge, and quick to hate them.
So let me ask YOU. What's your opinion on s*x OFFENDERS?