
What is your opinion on UFOs? Are they beings from another world?

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What is your opinion on UFOs? Are they beings from another world?




  1. Yes UFO's exist but they are not from an alien planet. They exist to the observer as an Unidentified Flying Object. An observer that is say 2 miles down the road may very well see or know what the object is.

    It also could just mean that the craft that is being observed is some highly classified military craft.

    A few of points on alien visitations.

    1) We have not been visited. Don't you think it may be pretty big news if we actually had been visited by another life form?

    2) Distance. Do you have any idea of the vast distance of space?

    3) Travel. No form of matter can travel at speed of light.

    So for example, the next nearest star to us is the Alpha Centuri system of around 4 light years from us. A light year is a measurement of distance not time btw. So even if it were possible to travel at the speed of light, which it is not, it would take 4 Earth years just to arrive at the next nearest star. Now, being that the Alpha Centuri system has no planetary systems within it orbit we have to go further. The next extra solar planet to be discovered is around 20ly's from us. So it would now take at least 20 Earth years to travel there. That planet is 4 times more massive than Jupiter. It is Gas and cannot sustain any form of intelligent life. To find that we would have go even further. Beginning to see the problem now? O.K. Given that we cannot travel at light speed, or even to 99% of it we would have to add thousands of years to traveling time. Therefore, given that an advanced alien civilization would have to overcome the vast distances and time to reach us and be very highly evolved, why would they just come to Earth and buzz us so to speak?

    Please do not base your opinions on viewing footage from YouTube or the like as these are all fakes - every single one of them are hoaxes. Some are very good hoaxes, but nonetheless still hoaxes. Also, the information that is coming out of programs on History or Discovery channels is now mostly fictional. The reason for this is simply based on money. People who have a particular axe to grind put together certain sensationalist publications that pay these channels to air their products. For example the doomsdayist rubbish about the end of the world in 2012. AAAAAGGGHHH! No! The world is not going to end because a Mayan calendar ends. This is just one quick example of the claptrap that the media are advertising in way of generating ratings. The same is so for the UFO programs. Space is too big. Learn some real science that is not based on sensationalism or bogus claims.

  2. well after watching ufo shows on history channel now i do beacuse how is that so many witness same type of objects it cant always be a hot air of chopper of army craft what is it then um it has to be something more

  3. I believe that we have been visited by beings from other worlds in the past. I do not know if we are now or not. I have said before, I think it is possible we humans are an experiment by those beings.


  4. Yes they exsist.

  5. I know they exist, in some form, that even our current technology is unable to find those weird life forms. Many have witnessed UFOs flying and youtube has so many of the UFOs. But nobody knows how far it's true. But I do believe in UFOs and I think that they might be more advanced than us - being invisible, hiding from us.

    I was once very much desirous about becoming a researcher of UFO's, but since I didn't know where to start off with, those dreams perished !!!!

  6. seriously... i think you watch sci-fi too much.. If there are UFOs, with our current technology, at least NASA would discover something. We have been able to spot planets much farther than Pluto. If there were traces of life, we would at least find a tiny bit trace of their civilization (even their foot print or sth) by now in the galaxy.

    -Even if they have better technology, for what reason would they hide from us? Won't they be curious about us too?

    -Yeah.. ppl claim to see UFOs.. okay.. same way ppl claim to have seen Nessi...

  7. The odds are very much in favor of other intelligent life in the universe. The odds are very much against humans being the most advanced. But we must consider that there are huge distances between stars, and the chances of Earth having been visited aren't that great.

    It may not be as exciting, but the most probable explanation is that most legitimate sightings are of experimental technology, probably military. It could be a breach of security to release information about it to the public, so we can't expect to be kept up to date.

  8. Is there intelligent life on other planets - maybe.

    Are there aliens whizzing round Earth in spaceships, making crop circles and anally probing abductees (hehehe) - no way.

  9. Some are ours, some are theirs. We fly ours, they fly theirs and we fly some or parts of theirs.

    Simple enough?

  10. Well like one said we found planets beyond pluto, they must have better technology or something to hide from our civilization.

  11. Yes. I believe they can be good as well as bad. Like angels and demons.

  12. Some are from other planets like us, but far more advanced, some are from this planet, not from the governmment agencies these are a group of people yet to be discovered.

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