I am doing a couple coyote hunts this year, 1 in montana while hunting mule, 2 where i live and 1 in texas while hunting white-tail.
My friend hunting in texas with me owns a 22-250 and he says it is an amazing calibre and i was thinking of getting one for my coyote gun. My friend in montana owns a 204. and he says he loves it. I am also hunting praire dogs so i want a gun to get both for close and long ranges out to 400-500 yards.
I kinda want to get one of them, but i dont know which one the 22-250 or the 204. ruger.
I heard the 204. is a good coyote gun and praire dog gun but the bullet is too light and out at long ranges the wind will affect the bullet.
Everyone keeps telling me to get a 223. and i dont know why. they say it is the cheapest to shoot but money isn't a problem. Which one do you think i should get? and what is so special about the 223.?