
What is your opinion on a single parent adopting a child?

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please tell me your opinion and why you think that way




  1. No opinion. If the person can support both of them, whats the big deal?

  2. The issue is that you may have many more problems adopting even internationally if you are single.  Many agencies prefer a two parent home, mom at home, and so on.   I think that many single parents do a great job and avoid the frictions that can and do happen in a two parent household.   Just don't do it without family support around you or a very flexible employment situation.

  3. go for it! love the c**p out of them!

  4. I think that child did not have a home and now has one.

  5. sounds cool to me.

  6. The funny thing about it is that giving your child a two-parent family has always been a big "reason" given to single girls as to why it's best to relinquish.  I just find it so interesting that the same agencies who told single women that their babies deserves "two parents" are the same ones who have no problem placing the babies with single adoptive parents.

    On a personal level, I see no problem with it.  the world is full of single parents due to a variety of reasons.

  7. You could ask the same thing to a single parent who chooses to bring up a baby on thier own. Its hard work, but its the child that comes first.

    A single parent adoption does not mean that the child will have less stability in thier lives.

    The child is the main concern.

  8. i say go for it.  if you want a child and you are not in a relationship, then do it.  i would.  in fact when i was single i seriously considered it.  because i wanted kids and i didn't know if i would ever find a husband.  thank God i have now.  but anyway, i see nothing wrong with a single parent adopting a child.

  9. I don't know but that's what has been hurting father's that want their children. I also guess it's what adoption agency you go to and the church.

      I see no problem with it at all and for the ones that do what happens if one of the parents die. Do you go in and take the child?

  10. I think that's a great unselfish idea.

    The child will have a home and someone to love him or her..and the single parent will have someone to look up to them an dlove them.

    I think its a good idea.

    Yeah 2 parents are ideal, but theres still soo much love with one parent...and a great love it takes to adopt a child.

  11. It's totally do able...and I suppose everyone has the right to do what they want...

    But I have a husband to rely on and it's still alot of work.

    It's a labor of love for sure...but it's really alot of work...

    I'm sure I could still do it on my own...but it would be that much harder...

    So I guess if you are financially well off, or have alot of familial support ...then that wouldn't be such a concern...

    But if you're single and just getting by (like the average person in today's economy) might be really really difficult...for the parent and the child.

  12. as long as its a stable enviroment and you love and guide them in the correct manner then who can OBJECT.all it means is it could be twice as hard.

  13. I think single parent adoption from foster care is a wonderful thing....  infant single parent adoption is also ok, provided there were no suitable two-parent homes to be found.

  14. Of course, having two parents is preferrable.  But, if that person is able and capable to single parent, then no problem.  Being a couple does not garentee being good parents, each situation should be examined individually.

  15. as long as the parent can provide the child with lots of love. then there should be no problem. As long as you have the time and energy. I say go for it!

  16. There are "thousands" of couples waiting for years to adopt a child.  Stats will say that children in two-parent homes are better off.

  17. I think anyone who can adopt a child should ... all children need a good home!!  if you feel you can do it than you should.  Look into all ages ... :)

  18. I'm in favor!  I've done it and it's wonderful!  We have a wonderful life and I wouldn't trade it for anything!  Good luck to you.

  19. i think it's a good thing, as long as you know you can afford the child. there are many single parents that do just fine on their own, many with more than one child, so yea it's great that you want to give a child a loving home to grow up in.

  20. i dont think it is wrong.. i mean if i wouldnt never of gotten married i would of deff. adopted.

  21. I dont think its a great idea, but it is better than being stuck in a group home thing until your 18...

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