
What is your opinion on animal on animal testing?

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Like makeup and drugs. I think they should pay Americans to do it. It would have a greater effect and it would be more accurate. Also what is your opinion on being vegetarian like about killing the animals. I think that it makes sense because our planet would be over populated. But I would like them to treat my animals right! Cows are my favorite animals and its torture to see them over feeding them and beating them ;( well thanks and answer my question please!




  1. hate animal testing its relly rong when thing can be tested dermlogically!

    im a vegetarian and i love all animals

  2. I understand why they test some drugs on animals because if they didn't we probably wouldn't have medicine for serious things.  But testing make-up, shampoo, and beauty products is SO wrong!!! They need to find a different way to test that stuff.

    I used to be a vegitarian. But then I realized that its okay to eat animals beacuse that's probably one reason why God created them. But I only eat meat if they did't hurt or touture them bofore they kill them.

    So now I only eat Kosher meat.

  3. animal testing is wrong, its f*ckd up and whoever does do animal testing, should rot in h**l !

    how wld yu feel if yu ddnt have a choice and people were testing sh*t on yu ? i dont think yud like it

  4. animal testing is wrong wrong wrong!

    if humans want their pretty stuff that bad they'd go through the pain to get it.

  5. I think it's wrong.

    Want to avoid using possibly harmful products? Buy organic stuff...

  6. I dont agree with it for things like cosmetics..  however for research on potentially life-saving drugs.. its a necessity.

    Drugs go thru YEARS of testing before they can be approved for human studies.  Drugs are essentially tested on humans.. but there's many tests they go thru first before making it to that point!  The many different tests that drugs have to go thru that would be impossible to use humans for.  Lab mice and rats work best for many of these tests because of their short life spans, ability to reproduce quickly, and because of how prone they are to cancer.  For each drug that does make it on the market.. hundreds more fail these tests.

    A drug has to be tested to see if it causes pregnancy complications or birth defects..  it has to be tested to see if it may potentially cause cancer.  It has to be tested to see what the side effects are... including long-term effects.  It has to be tested to see what the effective dose is..   they also have to do an LD 50 test..  in other words, a test to see what the lethal dose is to kill 50% of the test subjects.  Obviously..  not a good test to use on people!  If the LD 50 and the effective dose are very close to each other, this would not be a very safe drug to market!

  7. i HATE animal testing!!!!!!!! its cruel! how would YOU like to be a guinea pig????? its not right that all these animals are put through torture just so all these preppy petty girls can have their makeup

    thats why i get makeup that is clear of animal testing

    as for the meat thing i'm not a veg cuz i love meat. but i refuse to eat meat from kentucky fried chicken.  

  8. it's wrong.

    whoever tests products on animals should go to h**l.


  9. They should test the makeup on criminals. No animals life is worth makeup.

    I'm very against animal testing, and have written several articles (that got published :) about it.

  10. i dunt care for some animals.

    It's better to test on animals then on people. Cause the person could die who gives a **** if an animal dies.  

  11. I can sort of understand testing drugs(medicine) on animals, but there's no excuse to test make-up, perfume, shampoo, etc. on animals. Ingredients that could be harmful to humans shouldn't be in cosmetic products in the first place, there's no reason to put them in there. And I think being a vegetarian is a choice. I myself would rather eat meat because the way I see it we were made to be omnivores, just like some other animals are, so it's not about being cruel to animals, it's just nature. But like I said if you wanna be a vegetarian that's your choice. I don't agree with treating animals who will eventually be used as meat cruelly though.

    For the record I think they should come up with a more productive and humane way of testing drugs, but unfortunately they don't have another way for now.

  12. They test animals to see what happens if the chemicals go in your eyes and stuff like that. I think animal testing is unnecessary. If we just used natural products, we wouldn't need to do animal testing. Freeman Beauty,  St. Ives, etc. don't test because they're nice & their products are there's no need!!!

    And yeah...the cows and other animals...they shouldn't be stuffed up in stinky barns...they should get to live happy lives out grazing in the fields.

    Organic is the way to go!

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