
What is your opinion on blacks who are republicans?

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I'm asking this because I'm planning to become one when I get older.




  1. theyre a lot like whites who are republicans except with dark skin

  2. shut up

  3. About the same as g**s who are Republicans

    Draft them all.

  4. You are planning to become a black republican when you are older? Why can't you be one now?

    I think race has nothing to do with anything. Black, white, hispanic, etc. if you are a republican, you are an ***.

  5. they are people.

  6. If you check out the Civil Rights Bill signed by President Johnson you

    will find out it was the Republican Party that sponsored and got the

    bill through the Senate add to that Lincoln was the first Republican


    I don't understand why blacks have turned to the Democratic party.

  7. I'd say they are smart successful people just like whites, and browns, and yellows, and anyone else who has started to make real money and seen what democrats did to their wealth and hard work. Take it away and give to some jerk that didn't work for it.

  8. same as my opinion on g**s and lesbians who are just aint right

  9. I love them.

  10. there black.

    politicians are polititions you would trust one as much as you would trust a carrier of the plauge to not s***w you over eventuly

  11. Don´t have problems!

    Everybody can be a republican!

    Black, white or yellow... everybody is the same!

  12. Blacks are ok i don't discriminate against a specific race. Republicans however, are liberal trash of America and are on the verge of being Anti-American

  13. You look like me.


  14. Your choice.  Nothing really wrong with it.  I don't believe in everything they believe in, but I don't believe in everything the Democrats believe in either.  Republicans believe in helping the country one way the Democrats in another way.  They want the same results, just a different way of getting there.  

  15. it doesn't really matter everyone is entitled to their own opinions. there's no rules that say that certain races have to be apart of a certain political party.

  16. What does race have to do with this?  I guess I don't understand that...

  17. Smart, brave move.  

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