
What is your opinion on circumcision in newborn boys?

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I'd like if both males and females answer this. Thanks.

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  1. From the UK here.

    I am shocked by it. I think it is morally and ethically wrong and I cannot understand why a modern first world country still does it.

    In the UK, while to choose as an adult to be circumcised is acceptable, to mutilate a baby boy for no reason would be considered a form of child abuse by most people. We kind of accept that Jews and Msulims do it, but anyone else? Plain wrong, shockingly so - an infringement of the baby's human rights.

    I believe it to be no better than the minor forms of female circumcision that are practiced in Africa alongside FGM - such as removal of the clitoral hood and inner labia - and cannot understand how supposedly civilised people can be so against one while justifying how they mutilate boys by saying it is 'just a flap of skin'.

    It is not just a flap of skin! It is full of nerve endings, protects the head of the p***s and adds considerably to a male's sexual experience - and also to his partner's.

    I have experienced both in male partners and my preference is for the natural version - it is easier, because the p***s actually works properly for things like masturbation, and it feels better for me too, as well as looking much better.

  2. I wouldn't do it again, unless my husband was very pushy about it.  I was ambivalent about it in the first place, but my husband really wanted him to look the same as himself.  Everything went well, so I feel lucky, but it was rough.  The baby did sleep through the whole procedure though.

  3. I had three sons that were all circumcised. They are now 12 and 10 (the 10 year old's are twins). I just had a baby girl on July 29, and if she'd been a boy I wouldn't have gotten him circumcised. At this point I don't believe it's necessary and I'd rather leave it up to the boy to decide later on if he wants to do that or not.  

  4. A lot of women on this site bash people for circumsising baby boys but in all reality, most of the people that answer questions like this are not boys so you don't know what's better for him.. My personal experience is that me and my man had our son circumsised. My man does NOT have his done and he sometimes acts as if he wanted it done. He is the one that was like "we're gonna have him circked right?" And him being a man he knows better than me what a boy will likely want. So all you women on here that talk c**p about a boy being done, u should talk to a man that doesn't have it done and see his views on it bc you have no place to get upset about what someone else does with their own son. I wouldn't have cared either way.

  5. Couple of thoughts. Some say it is cleaner. Teach him to clean and it will be clean. Because our society is used to seeing cut, that's what we think is normal. Its not. The head of the p***s is the most sensitive part. Being covered by the skin keeps it from becoming desensitised. For a guy this creates more feeling. I'm cut so I'll nover know, but when I was younger it was more sensitive. I had girls so to me it would be like cutting off the clitoris. Both of which changes the sensations during s*x. I consider both mutilation.

    Have heard that it can be ripped during s*x, not sure about that. Would think though more skin, more movement of skin less chance.

    Have to hear from a guy thats not cut now. Oh some cut ones have done things to strech the skin back. I guess after time it might again cover the head.

    Now a short joke sort of. Mom always said to wear a hat to keep your head warm. If your outside and its cold and your not cut. Your head will be warmer. Just a thought.

    For the religious side who believe in free will. What age do you get the free will. Don't think babies talk at that age and say yeah go ahead and cut.

  6. circumcision is good for boys, when boys are circumcised, they are less likely to get infections..they do not get stds as for the boys who are not this website

  7. We personally did not circumcise our 4 boys.  We did lots of research, but it was mainly our faith that influenced our decision (New Testament, Paul's advice to Timothy).  Medically speaking, we weighed the pros and cons, and saw no real need to have the procedure.  We are just more aware of teaching our boys to clean a little better.

    If you do decide to circumcise, wait until they are 8 days old.  The baby's body has a surge in vitamin K on this day, which is essential for blood clotting and will help him heal faster.

  8. my son was circumcised at one month old. they say the best time is at about 7 days old, but my son did very very well.

    i don't regret my decision and i would do it again if i have another boy.

  9. I wish my parents hadn't chosen it for me, when I found out about it I read everything I could, I know tons of information about and have read both pro and anti circumcision websites, I really wanted to believe it was good, but the truth just isn't there, you see and hear all these claims but if you ask for the actual study nobody has them or they are so old and used invalid techniques and would not even be considered for publishing, I wanted to believe it was good but if you look at both sides, circumcising without an immediate medical need makes no sense at all.

    I did f******n restoration restoring what was left (they do leave some f******n) but it's not all restorable, but what I was able to get back was great. but this came at a price, I can no longer see circumcision as cosmetic or as if it does not really matter, things that I thought were normal I only realized were problems after I restored and no longer had them, sexual enjoyment is way up. I can't imagine how much better the real thing is.

    people have said in relation to sexual pleasure




    and from my experience I agree with the cut/restored numbers

    let your son have an entire p***s, he only has one life to live, only one chance to feel the full sexual pleasure, if you circumcise him he will never be able to experience it

  10. My son and husband are circumcised.  My husband and I discussed with a few doctors, family members (both circumcised and not), and friends (circumcised and not) ALL of the pros and cons before circumcising our son.  I'm very happy we did it (two days after he was born) and my son had no problems whatsoever.  Never showed any signs of pain and he healed perfectly.

  11. It is both religious (for Christians and Muslims) and hygienic. Just don't do it when the boy is too old, as it may be too traumatic.  

  12. Hubby and I have discussed this a little, and if we ever have a son will probably have him circumcised.  Not for any particular religious reasons, but dad is circumcised, we feel it'll be easier to take care of, and is aesthetically more pleasing.  My sister opted to not have her son circumcised, and he had a horrible infection at 1 month old as a result (and it wasn't due to improper cleaning, she was very meticulous) and we definitely don't want that to happen.  

  13. It's not necessary and also pretty cruel.

    Most men worldwide never get it done and have no problems. f******n problems are rare and minor and usually easily treatable. Removing the f******n when nothing is wrong makes no sense.

    Circumcision can have lots of complications and problems itself.

    Also the f******n is sexually sensitive and helps keep the glans more sensitive so it's taking away some of a guy's sexual pleasure.

    The supposed health benefits have never been proven, they used to say it prevented masturbation and cured things like bed wetting, epilepsy, blood noses, now they are saying infections and HIV, but the studies aren't very accurate and always get rebutted.

    I wouldn't do it if I had any sons.


    PS To the person saying girls don't know about this, many people here do know it's not necessary - sorry that her partner isn't happy with his f******n and doesn't understand its benefits, that's probably cultural brainwashing. Where I live most guys are not circumcised, including my boyfriend, he has never had a problem and is very happy he has his whole p***s. That is the case of most intact men worldwide.

  14. You ask for opinions so here goes, lol...

    I have three boys and all are circumcised. My decision came because I knew two boys ages 12 and 17 that had to have it done because of infection and a 2yr old because the daycare didn't 'pull his f******n back' to clean him at diaper changes and he got and infection. With all three the recovery was excrusiating and took what seemed like forever.

    I hear a lot of people saying that parents do it so baby looks like daddy... I don't know anyone who made that decision solely so they would look like dad. I was asked, however, when my first son was born which method I wanted them to use. There were three at that time and each had a different end result 'look' and they said that most people pick whichever way resembles dad the closest. Unfortunatley when my first son was born he had a hypospadius and had to wait a year for surgery and there was no choice but for him to have the circumsized look.

    The recovery is literaly about 5-7 days, they dont even seem to care when you have it done at birth. It is way easy to care for and once it is healed diaper changes are normal. It was so easy that when I had my 3rd son who is 8 weeks old I had forgotten how to care for it because my other boys are 7 and 10. It is such a short recovery time that you literally will barely remember dealing with it.

    As for the people who declare that it is mandated by the Bible... Jewish people circumsize because it is mandated for them in the Bible.. per their religion. But Christians are not mandated because we believe in Christ and he washes out all the covenants from the Old Testament because He is the New Covenant. Therefore Christians don't believe that circumsision is mandated by God.

    I am a Christian, but I still did it because it is a hygiene thing. Every doctor my kids have had I have asked about it (because my 1st son went through 4 surgeries in the first 3 yrs of his life and there was always a question about circumsision, which by the time he hit the 4th surgery there was no choice) Every one has told me that a large percentage of men without it will get it done later on in life. The urologist who did my sons 2nd surgery said that he has a lot of elderly men that come in to have it done because they can't risk an infection and they can't keep it as clean as it needs to be.

    IMHO I have to say that I look at it like this 'You give your kids vaccinations to prevent disease and pain... this is along the same lines'. In fact, I have NEVER heard of someone who IS circumsized having any problems in life from it, yet you hear ALL the time about adverse reactions to vaccinations. It is very much the same gravity of a decision as getting your child vaccinated.

    IMHO.. to answer your question... I think it is an appropriate thing to have done.  In my experiences I think my sons are better off having it done as babies than inevitably having it done later on in life.

    Just my opinion.


  15. I have a 4 week old, and my Husband and I decided NOT to do it.  We came to this conclusion based on the pure reason that it is not medically necessary.  I did a lot of research before reaching this decision, and I also watched a few of them being done on Youtube.  What I saw on there made me want to cry, they strap the children down and well you get the pic.  It literally made me sick,  so I will leave it up to my Son when he gets older.  My Husband is not circumsized and we have had absolutely no issues.  Its a personal choice, but for us it was not something we wanted to do.

  16. Uncut male with 4 month old uncut son.  My fiance and I had a pretty big disagreement on the matter while we were still in the hospital.  I would suggest that any couples out there make a final decision before your new mommy goes into labor.

    Honestly,  I have to admit that I am biased on the subject because I am uncut, and part of me did want my son to look as I do.  However, I think that the f******n is a very important.  Your skin is your largest s*x organ. The head of a p***s is very sensitive and I believe that a f******n enhances sexual pleasure for a male (maybe a female can comment from a different perspective).  I saw a comment made in one of the answers that a uncut p***s may be desensitized.  That may be legitimate, and probably needs to be studied. I contend that an uncut p***s would too easily be overstimulated.  I'm sure any of you ladies can relate that when it comes to sexual stimulation too much too soon would hinder a person from fully experiencing sexual pleasure.  I haven't seen any you-tube video's but I would consider circumcision to be sexual mutilation.  I would rather have it done to myself than to my son who has no choice in the matter.  When he gets older if he decides to have to done he can, he cannot decide to have it undone.

    I understand the hygiene argument completely. When I was younger I don't believe I had an infection but there was some rawness in the fold of my f******n.  The pediatrician informed me (and my dad) that I was to give it some extra attention and it cleared up.  More than once I've had a Urinary Tract Infection that I believe I would not have gotten had I been circumcised.  As an adult I've learned (occasionally embarrassingly) that an uncut sexually active male must be extremely meticulous when it comes to cleaning and keeping clean that area.  Even given all this I would not go under the knife or subject my son to that.  I do intend to do a better job than my dad in educating my son on the importance and how to keep that area clean (which surely would have saved me the embarrassment).

    Lastly for those who have children that they're not going to circumcise and whose father is... Be sure to educate your son on how to keep it clean when he is old enough and keep it clean until he is.  I'm sure he will be happy and healthy, and if he decides that he wants to be cut when he gets old enough to make that kind of decision there will be nothing to stop him.

    I personally would like to hear from a male who was circumcised as an adult.

  17. My son was circumcised at 2 days old; I wouldn't have it any other way! =]

    I had my son circumcised because:

    - I am a Christian.

    - My son's Great Grandmother is Jewish.

    - My Husband (his Father) is circumcised.

  18. Most Americans are for it its more like 70 percent. Many of the anti circumcision opinions you get on this site are from non americans who dont routinely circumcise. I am for it one hundred percent. It gives the boy and his future sexual partners a lifetime of benefits against stds, hiv,hpv, uri. Cancer of the p***s is virtually non existent in males who are circumcised at birth.

    As for Australia it used to be as high as 35-40 percent. the only reason it has declined is because the health care system will not pay for it. Same for the UK.

    It is not a barbaric procedure it has been around for 3000 years. If it was that bad it would have died out a long time ago. If you want cruelty, watch an adult male have to undergo a circumcision.  for a baby its a quick snip. and yes mommies, they do use a local anesthetic.  here are two circumcisions done with dignity not like those 30 yr old videos that you see on You tube:

    Here are some sites to get some useful information for your speech

  19. My husband and son are both circumcised. My hubby feels very strongly about circumcision being done. I asked tons of questions and did tons of research on my own to better understand it before having it done to my son though. I'm all for it now.  

  20. The only thing I can share with you on this is if my baby had been a boy and I would have gotten him circumcised. I had a girl though. :)

  21. Experts agree that it keeps your son healthy throughout his life (from a baby to adult). they are much less likely to get infections which can be caused by the f******n and it also is more hygienic.

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