
What is your opinion on eating dogs, and other companion animals in foreign country's restaurants?

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I know that many people in North America see it as "barbaric" and so on, because we keep those animals as pets, and not pigs, cows and chickens that most of us consume daily.

In those far away countries, they say that they are not pets, they are "food animals" and wouldn't make good pets like the ones that North American's have in their homes.

They say that the reason why they torture them before the animal is completely dead, is because when adrenaline is in the animal while its dying, the meat will taste better and is like natural "Viagra" and helps people who are having a hard time "feeling love" in their relationships.

What are YOUR thoughts on this issue? and why?


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  1. its wrong to torture animals if people want adrenalin they should jump off a cliff

  2. Morals aside eating an animal that is carnivorous isn't a good idea. The food chain is there for a reason and more dangerous pathogens tend to accumulate higher up.

    Some of the diseases and parasites of dogs are communicable to humans.

    However the same could be said of some of our domestic food animals. For example intensively farmed pigs liver can have high levels of toxins or anti-biotics so the conditions of the animal's welfare are really the most important consideration.

    The adrenalin argument is nonsense since adrenalin breaks down very rapidly in the muscle tissue and wouldn't make it through the cooking and digestion process anyway.

  3. I cant believe you would even ask such a stupid question!!!!!  I know that dog meat is a delicacy in the philipines, but I sure as h**l wouldnt eat dog!!!  Dogs were put on this earth to be a best friend not to be put on a spit over an open flame!!!!!

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