Log Cabin Republicans is an organization of g*y Republicans. They support the legalization of g*y marriage, but on most issues they're conservative. They agree with a strong defense budget to secure and defend America, they are for low taxes, limited government, free market, personal responsibility, individual liberty, and they’re against amnesty for illegal immigrants. Many Republicans in California, including governor Arnold Schwarzenegger support the group.
Many g*y Americans would never dream of being a Republican for obvious reasons but if more g*y people encouraged Republican politicians that legalizing g*y marriage is true freedom for all Americans, they could possibly help reform the Republican party. If most Republicans weren’t basing half of their beliefs on religious b/s then I would probably be a Republican because I agree with many of their policies with the exception of the right wing religious propaganda. It would be nice to have the option of choosing between two political parties, but most g*y Americans feel forced to vote for Democrats, or not vote at all. So do you think Log Cabin Republicans can make a difference, or do you think they’re just stupid?