
What is your opinion on g*y football referees?

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What is your opinion on g*y football referees?




  1. They are experts at blowing the whistle.

  2. Is Ben Cousins becoming a referee?

    Either that or Andrew Johns.

  3. a ref is a ref. some are better then others, the same as in anything. there great when they make a decision for your team, totally rubbish when they make a decision against.

  4. perves



    i dont think it really matters what sexuality they are....

  5. A persons sexual orientation has no bearing on their ability to do a job. I don't have a problem with it.  What I care about is can you do your job well, not your sexual orientation.

  6. I dont think we need g*y refrees, he may loose concetration when refereeing and tend to farvour one team because they are cuter. trust me that thing happens with opposites too.

  7. As long as they are qualified to be a referee it shouldn't matter what their sexual orientation is.

    And that, by the way, goes for any job.

  8. Exactly what everyone else has said ^

    If they do their job, why does it matter?

  9. if they do the job right, then its fine for me.

  10. There is nothing wrong with it. Sexual orientation shouldn't have an impact on if the could be a good referee or not.

  11. i think a ref who is happy is a good thing

  12. Most refs have probably been called a few names at some stage that cast doubts on their sexuality.

  13. if they can do the job, does it matter?

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