
What is your opinion on global warming is it natural manmade or both?And Whay do you think this?

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Please no stupid answers im reely trying to figure out what this global warming stuff is a ll about please help if u can.

-Thank you




  1. my opinion is global warming is a hoax. it is definitely manmade though. the bs comes from so called men.

  2. Usually climate change is natural, but this time is different.  Scientists have concluded that the current global warming is 80-90% caused by humans.  See the link below for an explanation of how we know this.

  3. Global warming is a natural phase of Earth, caused by some Solar Activities by Sun. We human don't have to bother about it. Some of the environmentalist says that this is because of the CO2 we are emitting into the environment, but the reality is that we are just contributing towards 1% to 10% of actual global warming.

    If the actual cause of Global Warming is CO2 emitted by the humans then why Global Warming occures on other planets. Just Google for "Global Warming on other planets" and see the results, there are no humans on other planets.

    Having too little CO2 in the environment will cause for the plants to die more early, more over it also cools down the temperature on earth.

    Having too much CO2 (obiviously, not caused by humans. Mostly generated in the Sea/Oceans) will lead to Green House effect and will lead in increasing the temperature on Earth.

    So, the best is to plant more trees so that there would be a balance for the consumption of CO2 on the planet.

    I personally think that instead of thinking on this baseless issue try to think on what if Nuclear War broke out in the world, it will destroy Earth more rapidly.

    So, next time whenever somebody says you about global warming, just ignore it.

  4. I have found that the science does not support AGW.

    I try to find links for and against when I do research, but unfortunately I can find only political links that are pro-AGW.

    But here is a link to an article by an actual scientist.

  5. I believe that Humanity is accelerating the natural warmth cycle.

  6. It is true that the earth goes through warming and cooling periods, and we may currently be or have been in recently a mini ice age.

    However, the fact of the matter is that the planet's climate is changing and that these changes will greatly impact human society.  Our human impact is seriously harming the planet.  Anything we can do as humans to limit our contributions to adding to the problem is wonderful.  What I mean is that we have a responsibility to pollute as little as possible.  The earth has the ability to assimilate a certain amount of pollution but with the population we currently have on the planet and how much pollution we are pumping into the air we are harming the very planet that supports us, and future generations, what we need to be doing is promoting sustainable practices and demote our countries high consumption practices.

    The fact that our earth's temperature is increasing is a serious concern, please check out my source here, as it is a great site for information on climate change.

    Good Luck!

  7. i think it would be half man made  and  half natural

  8. well actually it is man-made (maybe it started 1982?)

  9. nearly all man made now, the human-produced effect has swamped the natural one.

    basics, start here and follow links;


    (from the american institute of physics)

    edit; jack scar, the opinions given by the person in your link do not seem to be supported by any references to actual research.

  10. Because America Has Not Signed United Nations's Environment Treaty To Check Global Warming, Because Of Industrial Revolution And His Own World's Biggest Arms Factory To Keep Fighting With Poor Nations Like Those Of Gulf!!!

  11. this event occur because of the man made pollutants

    and they are not aware to the environment

  12. Global warming is but a component, in a group of destructive forces at work such as ;deforestation,desertification,soil and water contamination ,irresponsible or wasteful utilization of bio resources , air pollution,Non sustainable Agriculture,over pumping carbon aquifers

    all concepts which are definitely not part of the Natural Processes of the Natural world;...


    The most prolific growth on this planet is part of the day in the mist and most of the time under clouds ,and the least growth is always directly in the sun .

    To exchange the one for the other means changing local climates

    We are exchanging Nature with Tar , concrete and open spaced mono cultures.

    In 300 years half of the planets forests have gone ,and in the last 50 years half of the wet lands ,and rain forests

    These Areas absorb heat during the day and release heat at night ,

    Cause cloud formation(shade).humidifying the air on the surface as well as releasing excess water at the roots that keep rivers flowing ,which in turn brings more water into the Environment .

    As well as contributing to absorbing carbon emissions as do the leaves of the trees together with the oceans .

    All in all many factors which directly affect the local Environment .

    The loss of the above resulting in rivers drying up ,less rain ,desertification,loss of habitat for many species and so on.

    dryer and hotter surface environments which can manifest in different weather patterns such as tornadoes or bush fires

    I may be stupid or Naive but somehow i believe that lots of these local environmental changes, can add up to affect global weather, If there are enough of them (and there are)

    And then on top of that comes the story of the effects of pollutants released into Nature and especially the Air ,by MAN

    And then there is of course Global Warming lets say the Natural one

    (Bob or Trevor can talk better about that )

    A cocktail of events and a lot of the ingredients have MAN written all over them

    So it is safe to assume that we should look at ourselves ,just a teeny bit ,for possible improvements ,and rectifying Eco errors that are with in our powers.

    What is a safer bet

    to be or not to be

  13. Well, here in VA, it snowed yesterday and today, on April 13 and 14,  If the world is warming up, you sure can not tell it here.

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