
What is your opinion on guys that compensate for a small p***s by bodybuilding, is this a prevalent activity?

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the bigger the guys at the gym are the less i see them in the shower





  1. haha i bet you can't stop staring at their thing

  2. I think it's funny because if they make their bodies bigger, then their penises will just look smaller. Kind of a lose lose situation

  3. I always thought it was the short guy syndrome that gets a lot of guys into bodybuilding. Anyway... I'm 6' tall and I like bodybuilding. My d**k is doing just fine. When you are in the showers at the gym and all you see is small flaccid p***s... you must be doing something wrong mate.... lol.

    EDIT: You now ask "why aren't big muscle guys strutting their stuff in the shower".... Well the answer is likely to be that you don't appeal to them.

    You know, your assumption is extraordinarily ignorant. There is no correlation between d**k size and bodybuilding. Also, a flaccid p***s is that way because blood is being pumped to other areas of the body. When you exercise more blood goes to the muscles that are being used and away from the areas that don't need it. Perhaps this explains something to you... if you lined up ten bodybuilders with erect penises you would probably hold a different opinion to the one you have now and see how stupid your question is.

  4. Actually the fatter and more out of shape you are the smaller p***s you'll have. The fat in the lower abdominal  will hide your p***s. If you get red of all that fat you can add two inches to your p***s.

    Working out also increases testosterone making you want s*x more often and making your erections more intense.

    If you want to SEEmore bodybuilders p***s's I can't really help you there you'll just have to take my word.

  5. no cuz all my friends are buff, and so am i, and were around 14 to 16

    and we are not small.!

  6. Why are you concerned about the size of other fellas' penises?

  7. Perhaps you just not using the right gym! Fortunately the place where I'm employed has a private gym of its own. When I work out there are A LOT of ripped guys who use the gym on a regular basis. Those guys are obviously well endowed, at least within the average limits. Now, admittedly I go to the gym after work so I shower at home (don't even go there!) HOWEVER, I am able to catch a glimpse or two at a few guys whose shorts are, shall we say a little "loose" in the leg, and it appears that they are definitely packing some heat! The others have "protrusions" of varying degrees that provide a nice opportunity to rest ones eye on every so often.  

  8. I'm assuming you're a small guy and want to know if your p***s is at least bigger than these huge guys. I don't think it matters and honestly most girls don't want a huge and built guy as a boyfriend. I'd rather have someone that's touchable and slim, than someone that's hard. Also most women don't care that much about p***s size. Unless you're with a very experienced girl who's mostly into s*x, there shouldn't be an issue with a smaller/average sized p***s.

    Huge guys' penises look small in comparison to their huge body. I think bodybuilding actually makes the p***s look smaller.  

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