
What is your opinion on home-schooling? Do children who are home-schooled truly lack social skills?

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What is your opinion on home-schooling? Do children who are home-schooled truly lack social skills?




  1. yes they do...-__-

  2. Lots of people lack Social Skills, it isn't something that is just centered around homeschoolers..... Some people are total introverts.If you involve your kids in lots of different activities and let them interact with others they'll be fine. I homeschool and all my kids are totally normal.

    People that say homeschoolers lack social skills have no idea. My sister n law homeschooled and they WERE socially retarded. That is only because she judged  every person who was different, ( peircings, tat's, wild hair etc.) She alone ruined her kids, it wasn't homeschooling at all. It is judgemental parents who think they are better than the average Joe because they homeschool and that their kids are for more superior than all. They look at the public school kids and say " well, I never!"

    Just my opinion. However, my kids are just like every other 4,6 and 10 year old. If they smell something funny they do the old... sniff sniff.... what stinks. Eww, your stinky... ( Complete silence from the stinky person) Or if someone farts... LOL LOL LOL " i farted" hahahahaaa........."MOM, Billy Farted!"


  3. Can they? Yes.  Do they? Not in every case.  It really depends on the parents, and how they are taught.  I know some very eccentric kids who are the way they are due to the sheltering atmosphere of their family and home. This is not all due to homeschooling.

    I homeschool my three kids and they love it.  They are all outgoing kids who make friends with anyone and everyone they meet. The key is to make sure that they actually have the chance to interact in "normal" ways with other kids.  My kids do, dance, etc. and are with other kids that way. Also we have friends over all the time and they get to go to friends houses.  There are quite a few homeschoolers here in our area and so during school hours all of our kids can get together and go do things.  So the possability for a child to lack social skills is deffinately there, but it is the parents responsability to not allow that to happen.  The goal of homeschooling should not be to turn the kids into hermits. Kids are what parents raise them to be.

  4. Yes, some do lack social skills.  But then, so do some public school students.  The one study I've seen showed that, ON AVERAGE, homeschool students are at least as well socialized as their peers on three different tests of "socialization".

  5. Not always, and not all social skills.  I'm homeschooled, and while I'm kind of shy, I don't think I'm really any worse off than my peers (who all go to either public or catholic school).  Homeschoolers have to make more of an effort to have a social life, because they aren't around peers all day, but I don't know that's a bad thing.  I have probably about 8-10 friends, but I don't feel like I'm lacking in anyway.  I don't need to be friends with 50 people to have a good time.  I have a job in retail right now, and I have to talk to customers all day, and so far I haven't crumbled under the pressure.  I also have to deal with my managers, and again, I'm still here.  So, yeah, a homeschooler might be less social, but also might not.  It depends on how much they really want to be social.

  6. I work in the public schools.  My son learns outside of the school system.  I know people from public school, private school and home school.  There are people from all three groups who lack social skills to some degree.

  7. No they don't lack social skils! My kids are involved in a home school assosation, Co-op ballet karate and so on and many home school kids are involved. A lot of kids are also involved in community projects and volenteer work their churches ect. They interact with people of all ages and abilities. They have lots of friends in and out of the school enviroment! In short home school kids are better socialized than public school kids after all they've been taught to interact with all kinds of people not just kids their ages!

  8. Social skills aren't what you go to school for. You go to school to gain knowledge about subjects such as math, science, and language. True, social skills are important, but when they are put in the place of scholastic achievement, which should be #1, you have a lot of kids who can't even spell their own name.

    The family provides adequate socialization for the homeschooling child. A few friends are also good + some extra activities like dance or art. Experience should be gained.:)

    There are too many people who think that socialization is better than learning how to spell one's name.

  9. Definitely. I am an example. When I finished my primary school, my family did not send me to high school. Instead they taught me at home. It damaged my personality. When I joined college later, I was not able to socialize. This created so many complex problems in my life that I am still unable to solve. I am sure that this is the biggest mistake, parents can make and is cruel for somebodys life.

  10. Homeschooling is a great opportunity to receive an exceptional education.  There are homeschooled children who lack social skills, and there are public schooled children who lack social skills also.  Statistics and research prove that homeschooled children are not lacking in social skills moreso than any other group of children.

  11. My kids are homeschooled and I don't think they lack social skills. We hang out with other homeschoolers on a regular basis and except for the odd one here and there (which is no different than in public school), I don't find they lack social skills. In fact, I find that they are much more likely to be comfortable around other kids they've never met and that homeschooled teens tend to have better social skills than the average public schooled teen.

    I believe homeschooling can be a great option for some families. I certainly wouldn't have it any other way for my kids while there in their formative years. Are there homeschooled kids out there who lack social skills? Of course. Same goes for public school. I don't know why people think that public school is *the* place to learn all this stuff when public school teachers are complaining, too, about the growing number of kids' who are lacking social skills and there are a growing  number of programs out there for teachers to use with their classes.

    For the most part, though, homeschooled kids are just fine, although their interests might be a little different. I know some public schooled teens seem to think that homeschoolers lack social skills because they can't talk about the same kinds of things, but they don't realize that the homeschooled teens tend to have an older viewpoint and just have not grown up in the same sub-culture and don't have the same interests.

  12. Go out and meet ten homeschoolers and ten public schooled kids the same age.  I guarantee you will be impressed by and like the homeschooled kids far better.  They are typically smarter, nicer, kinder people.

    Public schools typically breed herd mentality where the kids must conform or be ostracized or worse yet bullied.

  13. It depends on the child and the parent. Some children are naturally very shy and withdrawn no matter if they are in public school or not.The parent has to really put forth extra effort to make sure the child does get social interaction. Some kids will be perfectly fine with that and others wont...

    I went to public school all my life and I must say I still lacked social skills! I was very shy and withdrawn and could not/would not walk into a room full of strangers or speak in front of a group. It had nothing to do with public school/home school, that was just my personality. That was my point, that if a child is shy or withdrawn and homeschooled, then its NOT b/c they are homeschooled, they are just shy! I think some of you may have misunderstood what I meant

  14. no they do not if you put them in a sport they will be fine that is what my mom did to me and i have no problem and i have been homeschooled for the last six years and i am in 8th grade if you think they have problem the you are very close minded

  15. I'm homeschooled and I don't think I lack social skills.... A lot of my friends are homeschooled but I have friends who are public schooled too and they think I can be outgoing when I want to. It all depends on the personality of the kids.

  16. Well in my opinion, it really depends on the kid. For example, I believe that shyness(or how ever you want to spell it) is a lack of social skills. I'm 19 years old, out of school now but when I was in school I used to be super shy. I used to super quite and therefore I didn't have alot of friends.

    On the other hand, alot of my out-of school friends and cousins were being home schooled and they were very outgoing and not shy at all. Hope this was an ok answer. Just do me a favor and don't tell know one I told you this, you know its kind of embarasing. LOL

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