
What is your opinion on home schooling?

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I am writing an essay on the effects of home schooling and would like people's opinion on the subject.




  1. I think homeschooling is great.  I homeschool my children and we all love it.

    Here are some links that may help you with your research:


    pros and cons



    famous homeschoolers

    homeschooling vs. public school

    Good luck with your essay!

  2. I lived in Indiana where many kids are homeschooled.  I know that statistically homeschooled kids have better odds of getting into & going to college/university.  In other words, they get better grades and score higher on SAT's.  

    Remember that even if a child is homeschooled they are still entitled to participate in the athletic & social programs of their local school.

    Hope this info helps.  You might try going to the "Focus on the Family" website.  They often address homeschooling issues.

  3. I'm being homeschooled next year.

    I think it's a great idea because then if something in the schools bother kid's parents or something like that they have a choice. I also love it because I get to be home all day even though I'm working.

    Hope this helped!

  4. I homeschool my 2nd grade son, began homeschooling him when he was in 1st grade, and he is thriving as a homeschooled student.  He is a gifted child with some challenges, yet I did not begin homeschooling him due to his challenges.  I began homeschooling him because of his extreme boredom with public school.

    Soon thereafter, he was diagnosed as being "cognitively gifted" with exceptional abilities in specific areas.  Homeschooling offers us the opportunity for us to explore subjects in more depth and for him to also not be overwhelmed with busy, non-sensical work which he has little tolerance for.  It also gives us lots of time for field trips, extracurricular activities, community involvement, etc.

    Also, I  think the facts regarding homeschooling might be helpful to you.  Please see the statistics/demographics via the link below:

    Hope this helps some.

  5. we home schooled our kids for a year, and it hadmixed results. My son who is ADHD and my daughter has HD only. NOW we used a great circulum and My son who was having trouble in school with work and grades did great, this year hes back in school and he is doing the best he ever has!! we are very proud of him. BUT my daughter who had been on the honor roll, A and Bs suffered, because of the non existance of theschool life she acctually didnt do well. now i have her back in school and her grades are lower and no more honor roll. So i fear i made a mistake with her and i feel bad for it. she still gets A,B and some Cs but shedosnet apply her self as hard.

    SO if you wanna home school make sure your kids really will benifit from it, like failing in school, bad school or something. dont take a kid out whos got good teachers, great friends and enjoys thier school life. IMO

  6. If you are writing a paper about effects, you don't need opinions. You need facts. Consider looking up local homeschool groups in your area and asking them for interviews or references to actual research and statistics in homeschool. Opinions can be unfounded and wrong. If you want a good grade, forget about opinions.

    I can tell you it is working for my family. My daughter has many friends and learns far more than she did in public school. I can tell you that the schools insited she be medicated for ADD, but at home she is not, nor does she need to be. Just remember that just as public school is not for everyone, neither is homeschool a perfect fit for every student.

  7. All right.  Homeschooling is really cool, because you can do extra curricular activities, and shift your schedule around a little.  We still have to do our work, of course.  I do some extra curricular activities such as Boy scouts, a gym program, and I go to church, so we are not under socialized.  (I have only met one under-socialized home schooler.)

  8. I think all kids should go to school, unless the parents have a degree in teaching.

  9. Home schooling offers a flexible schedule and lets kids become independent learners. If the child is doing well in home school, then he/she can go ahead in studies. That's the best part about home school-- you learn at your own pace.

    Although most people will probably have a low opinion of home school because they think that the kid is in 'isolation', that is a myth. Most home schoolers are actually more mature than their peers in public schools as a result of being around adults more often.  And as for isolation-- I was homeschooled, and I had multitudes of friends from around the neighborhood, church, youth group, family (my cousins), and friends of my parents.

    Most parents will home school their children to protect them from violence, peer pressure, drugs, and other things that aren't healthy for their kids.

  10. It's worked out great for us. Our sons grades have improved. They aren't getting their lunches stolen. They don't have to deal with bullies or harassment. They don't have to deal with teachers playing favoritism or weak staff members. They don't have to worry about us walking out on strike and depriving them of an education like selfish glorified babysitter wanna be teachers do.

    Having a degree in teaching doesn't make a person right. How many teachers with degrees have molested or kidnapped their students? Recently, a principal was caught in a motel smoking pot and playing strip poker with two teen girls. What course in college offered molestation and drug use to students?

    Edit: many public school kids have this pathetic misconception that friends mean more than education. All some of these students go to school for is to see their friends, talk about the party last week, find out who's s******g who, compare IPhones, IPods, or some c**p like that. They gather up like flocks of retarded sheep and harass someone to no end. They text or talk over a teacher's lecture and many teachers are too d**n weak to say anything about it. Why would I want to put our kids back into that environment knowing that zero tolerance can never be achieved and that their education will be very limited.

    Public schools nowadays, the students, much like employers, base their status upon a eugenics type system. How good someone looks, how smart they are, what their abilities are.

    Unless my son is a blonde female, showing his rack off like so many girls do or beating a student senseless he won't get ahead in this life. Public schools see to that. That is why I am so for home schooling. It helps to deprive money away from a district that only cares about statistics than student behavior.

  11. Spring Fever is right, for an essay you need to be looking at proper studies for the bulk of your information. One or two real life examples gained from interviewing HS parents and/or children either to illustrate or contradict what the research shows and add human interest would be great if you want to do the job well. Opinions from somewhere like this don't really cut it because you simply have no way of telling who really knows what they're talking about and I doubt citing Y!A will look good.

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