
What is your opinion on incest ?

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Personally, i don't see anything wrong with it.

Before you start jumping to conclusion and making assumptions, yes i have an older brother and i love him, but not in an incestous way. There has never been any form of incest in my family.




  1. I think Incest is wrong.

    Having a sexual relationship with a sibling or parent ect is just not the norm and can cause so many problems.

    It is against the law anyhow not to mention gross and then there the fact that children born in incest relationships are more likely to have disabilities - not all but some due to genes.

    I just don't believe it at all.


  2. To be truthful I think it's sick.

    But let me ask this: After the flood and Noah and his family all left the Ark how did the repopulate the world. Cousins ect had to have done that very thing

    Were they the first rednecks?

  3. vile-people who are not right in the head

  4. is extremely damaging. And I hope you don't think molestation is okay.

  5. If you love your brother you mean you admire him and love him as your family member if its more than that and you think he's s**y and have thought of having s*x with him then best for your family sake to keep it a fantasy this way know one will get hurt.I don't know the full story but if you like him in a sexual keep it to yourself masturbation etc

    Does you brother like you too? how old are you both? these are all things that you need to consider.

    Have you got or had boyfriends? try and think of other boys like if your at school boys in your class its safer.

    I havent fancied any member of my family but have had thoughts of other people who i shouldnt have its hard but you can move on. Good luck I be interested to see how you feel more on this situation :)

  6. incest is a sexual crime within family is very wrong and criminal in nature, it voilates mutual trust and respect that family members have

  7. The trouble with this topic is that it produces such emotional responses. I'll try to be the exception.

    Sexual intercourse is meant to be a loving, intimate expression of someone's love for another. So in this way, it is possible to argue the case in favour of incest. The trouble with this, however, is that s*x has another function: to produce new humans. Interbreeding is always a bad idea in any species, because the offspring are weakened genetically, and so medical complications can arise.

    It's a balance: emotional s*x vs. biological s*x.

    The thing that tips the balace away from incest is that the "loving expression" is actually also a harmful one. There is always a reason why family members turn to eachother for this kind of affection, and this should be looked into carefully.

    Once all this is said and done - people will always do what they want behind their own closed doors, but I hope these people are aware of the different facits that I have described.

    Wikipedia has a good article on this subject too.


  8. Its so sick and wrong. Why would you think it's ok? I have neighbors who are half brother and sister ands they live together and had a baby together, so sick. Why would you pick your brother or sister when there are so many other people to choose from. OMG!

  9. It's disgusting and it's not normal.  Think about what happened with Josef and Elizabeth Fritzl (although that was against her will).

  10. So you dont see anything wrong with it.... you need some serious mental help... there are so many sad stories and news about people being raped or molested by a family member ... those victims have to live with it the rest of their lives.. most times it causes problems with them...

  11. You have to deal with public opinion...there may also be deformities if you go too far. Take care

  12. i think it's wrong.

    if you have children with a relative, it can make have something wrong with them. It's not meant to happen, its disgusting and theres a reason why you're not allowed to do it ! its againt the law! in england anyway.

    dont eveer do it. its grim.

    how can you not see anything rong with it!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. WRONG! WRONG!! WRONG!!! Its disgusting and unnatural. FULLSTOP!

  14. Burn them all, I say.

    PS. I bet your brother's hot. Ever snuck a peek at him in the shower?

  15. I think its kind of gross if its in really close family.

    But that's just me.  

    But its okay if its like second cousins.

    My grandparents are second cousins or some thing.

  16. no way its illegal!

  17. Everyone has their own opinions.  I myself say it's wrong and disgusting.  The effects on the lives of those people is unbelievable.

  18. It's wrong... I don't know WHY exactly... it just IS.

    Plus, if the incest results in children they can have serious deformities.

  19. Uhhhhh......... OK, I'm REALLY glad you're not in my family.

  20. It's sick, and anyone that doesnt see it as sick has a probelm.

  21. I dont personally agree with it, it feels unnatural to  me. But if you think on it for a while, why IS it unnatural? is it because any offspring produced would be likely to have genetic defects so it couldnt logically be a relationship for anything other than s*x? If you go down that road, any relationship that doesnt produce kids could be counted as wrong, including g*y and L*****n, or people who choose not to have kids......

    But I think that because any kids produced would be much more likely to have genetic defects, it goes against nature in a way other "non productive" relationships just dont.

  22. When you have sexual intercourse with a close relative and you bear a child,you are essentially recycling genes from the same gene pool so it eventually leads to genetically weak off-spring - that is the real reason why it should not be practised.

    You can have intercourse with a close relative and enjoy the pleasure but bearing children from such an encounter is not advisable.

  23. i think its disgusting

  24. My personal feelings.... ewwww. But, if everyone is a consenting adult, and they WON'T have children, then I could tolerate it I suppose.

    As a Biologist, I know it's very bad for our species to reproduce with close relatives. That's probably why most of us feel "ewww" about it. It's in our nature to NOT want to mate with relatives... normally anyway.

  25. It's sick and unnatural. There's nothing right or okay about it, it's just wrong.

  26. Hey Sammy I think that when you talk about an issue like this with complete strangers everyone will immediately read what others say and form their opinions off of what others say. Especially an issue such as this. The problem I have with incest is it is morally wrong but not only that bring in children into a situation like this (which can happen) is very unhealthy for the kids they can experience serious health problems and permanent damage to their mental health. I just don't think it's right I could never look at a family member like that. It's all about upbringing though. Don't let them bash you to hard on here but it is wrong.

  27. It's just worng. I don't understand hoow anyone could be attracted to a family member like that.  Yes, it's very wrong, makes me feel sick and should most definatley stay illegal!

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