
What is your opinion on legalizing marijuana in the U.S?

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Do you think it's a good idea or bad idea? And Why? I just want to hear what people have to say. And also what do you think is more dangerous alcohol or marijuana?




  1. I think it would be GREAT! We should indeed legalize it and dispense it only through prescriptions and licensed pharmacies. That way it can be taxed & provide funding to the state. Also, it would be Safely dispensed.

  2. I think that it is stupid to have one legal and one not.  Alcohol is way more dangerous.  I think hemp farming would be good for the economy.  The reason it is illegal has nothing to do with it's consequences.  It was outlawed purely from an agricultural standpoint.  Look it up!!  It would take 32 lb. in an hour of marijuana to o.d.  You can't even smoke that much if you tented it.  Yet plenty of people die from alcohol poisoning, and cirrhosis of the liver all the time and that is legal.  Sure pot will give you cancer from smoking it, but so do cell phones.  I personally think that they should make one legal or make the other illegal as well.  That's my opinion, and you don't have to like it.

  3. Alcohol is far worse. I think it is worse for someone to loose their education, scholarship, kicked out of the house, license even if they are not driving, job etc over pot. At the very least it should be legalized for the textile industry. The partnership for a drug free American is mainly funded by the alcohol industry.  

  4. great idea, then tax the c**p out of off the debt in no time!!

  5. I think it should be legalized. From my own experiences i have discovered that legal substances like cigarettes and alcohol are harder to get than weed when under age. Also it has been prove in studies that weed is less addictive than both. It is even less addictive than caffeine. Also cigarettes and alcohol kill millions of people a year while weed has caused none. It is impossible to overdose on weed. It is hypothesized that a person would have to smoke over 10 pounds of weed in less than 15 min. to cause an over dose. Also if it were to be legalized i believe it would be better because then it could be regulated so it wouldn't laced with potentially deadly things. Overall i say legalize MARIJUANA!  

  6. The legalization of marijauna would be amazing, for us, but not the government, but again, who gives a shiit about the government? Just joking, but it comes from the ground, just like parsley, lettuce and potatoes. For the government to say this natural plant is illegal is very stupid. If the want for, lets say petunias, was as great as weed, with people constitanly wanting it, the government would illegalize that too. They cant make money becasue it is so easily grown and privately sold, so they say you cant have it. I dont really have an opinion on which is more dangerous, alcohol or weed, but if one is legal, the other should be.  

  7. Its a great idea. The question really is why is it and how is it illegal at all? They had to change the Constitution to make alcohol illegal but for pot they can just say its illegal and thats that??

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