
What is your opinion on love?

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Do you think it's mental or emotion? My friend who's a Libra says he believes love is a mental thing, you think you're in love therefore you are but I'm a Scorpio and I believe love comes from the heart and it's a feeling so it's emotion.

So what's your opinion and what's your sign.




  1. you 2 ontop of me must be chicks,

    Love is bullshit, love in order to have s*x is also bullshit, since prehistory LOVE and s*x never went hand in hand, love and s*x started in the renaissance after the dark ages by spaniard novel writters, so to answer your question its MENTAL. to me s*x is very physical no emotions i think a passionate kiss has more affection than s*x or idk im just a HOrny Aries

  2. I'm a libra and it can be both.  Love is something you have to work to get.

  3. I am a Libra, but I disagree with your Libra friend. Love comes from the heart, and though mental stimulation is nice, true love is something you feel that cannot be explained or rationalize. It is a strong emotional connection and bond between two people. You can 'think' you're in love, but that does not mean that you actually are.

    CRAZY_ME: If you've never felt it before, then you wouldn't understand. I agree that there is a difference between love and s*x for many people, but that does not mean that love is a mental thing. That just means that you have never experienced true emotional love. I'm sorry that you don't believe in it, but that's more your problem than mine, really.

  4. im a Libra and i belive its emotional

  5. Love is both mental and emotion. It's emotion first though, right?

    I mean, when you're attracted to someone, it's how they make you feel that attracts you. It's how you feel around them that has you comming back for more.

    Then, you start making mental decisions, like, "Should I wait?", "I'm going to take this slow", "This person might have all the qualites I want..."

    But I still respect those that say it's mental but I know that even they can't resist someone that makes them feel good.

  6. I'm a Libra. For me, love is NOT a mental thing.. It should be felt. I can understand the logic of your friend BUT in reality, I don't see it's possible.

  7. technically love is a mental thing. when people say they're heart broken, it's a psychological thing.

    I like the idea of fairytale love but I don't think it exists. I'm a leo

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