
What is your opinion on male circumcision?

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What is your opinion on male circumcision?




  1. I think it is the very best thing for a boy! It makes cleanliness ever so much easier. It prevents infections and other problems that guys with foreskins have. To us girls it looks neat and streamlined and s**y.

    So that is my opinion of circumcision. It is easiest when done on a tiny newborn but it can be done anytime - if you are a male thinking about getting done, don't delay, see your doctor and get circumcised  today!

  2. I don't think it should be done to infants because it is unnecessary and cruel. I think an adult should be able to make his own choice though. The f******n is a normal, sensitive and functional part of the p***s so I don't know why a guy would want it done, but his choice.


  3. I think any mutilation of helpless people is cruel and wrong.

  4. I was a victim of male genital mutilation, sometimes called circumcision, as a helpless infant.     I was strapped down and my genitals damaged permanently.

    As a result of this, I was unable to reach o****m in normal s*x, due to the nerve damage, which made me more insensitive than the usual amount.      

    Male genital mutilation is an abomination, it's cruel, unnatural, abnormal and has killed males.      To my knowledge, no f******n ever killed anyone, yet this practice is legal to perpetrate on males, but female minors are protected by law from female circumcision.

    Where is equal justice under the law?    A law that applies to females and not males is unconstitutional.    

    Circumcision damages the p***s and damages sexual ability.

    A f******n is not a birth defect; it is a birthright.

  5. As a woman i must say it is MUCH more attractive if you are circumcised.. if not, i usually find that as much of a turn off

  6. genital mutilation

  7. Completely unnecessary procedure that deprives a baby boy of the right to choose for himself, and of a natural and important part of his p***s.

    Only 20% of males worldwide undergo circumcision, and they are mostly religious-based reasons.

  8. It has a place in religious ritual. There is no other logical reason for it.

  9. Personally, I disagree with it on babies. That part of the body was meant to be there for a reason. Unless it's part of your religion, I think it should be left alone. But I also think it's a matter of personal choice. It's fine if a guy would prefer to be circumcised, but people should definetely not circumcised their baby boys. That's just horrible.

    But I do agree with Terry, it's not fair giving him a thumbs down for saying what he is. It's not like he is ramming his pro-circ attitude down our throats like some of the others. He just gave an opinion from his point of view. I gave you a thumbs up Terry.

  10. Well, personally I am circumcised mainly because I'm jewish. A lot of people say it's terrible because you cut off a part of your p***s, but they use anesthetics and good methods so that it's painless... if you can remember when you were a week or less old. The other main point is that being circumcised gives you a healthier p***s. It's cleaner and less work to keep from disease and other bad things for it. Thats my opinion!

    Email me if you want more answers =]

  11. I am circumcised. I think it is because I am protestant and they also pattern after the Jewish custom. I never minded it and I like the look of it and I guess it is easier to stay clean.

    The people giving the thumbs downs for pro-circumcision answers are really discriminatory individuals. You should all be very ashamed of yourselves for not embracing diversity and for scapegoating those who had a surgery when they were a week old that for most is not something that will ever be reversed without a drastic surgery as an adult. Grow up, people!

  12. All genital cuttings of non-consenting minors are human rights violations and should be rewarded with prison sentences. The desire to alter the genitals of an infant is one of the most vile perversions in modern Western society.

    I am a circumcised man and it was not botched but I feel that I was mutilated against my will.

    I am actually in the process of restoring my f******n non-surgically as I am extremely angry and disappointed that a healthy, functioning part of my body was removed for no good reason other than societal customs.

    The risks are very small, but many boys have lost their penises due to botched circumcisions and some have even died due to bleeding or infection.

    The risk is very small but it is a risk that I would never even consider when the alternative is to leave my son the way that he is intended to be and carries no risk of death or disfigurement.

    I think that it is important for everyone to read what's behind the following link.

  13. Wow, popular question lately!

    Here are my views in a nutshell:

    1) Circumcision has some benefits as well as some risks and drawbacks. A circumcised p***s is theoretically "easier to keep clean" than a p***s with a f******n on it. However, pulling back the f******n and washing the p***s head takes about 10 seconds in the shower. Considering that the procedure itself has risks (like any surgury) and that circumcision is believed to reduce penile sensitivity, you have to ask yourself do the pros outweight the cons.

    2) Circumcision should be an individuals personal choice, not forced on them by parents. This includes allowing children to choose their own religion (once they are old enough to even understand it).

    4) Unless done out of medical necessity, circumcision should never be performed on unconsenting helpless infants. Circumcision is very painful and anesthesia is rarely used on infants (due to possible complications). To do this is clearly a violation of a doctors code of ethics to "First do no harm".

    3) Most people that are pro-circumcision are themselves circumcised since birth or are only familiar with circumcised penises due to the commonality of circumcision where they are from. Many generalizations about the f******n of the male are naturally biased and based on ignorance.

    4) There have been studies that have shown that circumcision reduces the chances of contracting STD's/HIV. There are just as many studies that dispute these findings and promoting circumcision based on this notion only encourages unprotected s*x and discourages proper s*x education. Condoms are the only effective way of reducing the risk of STD's.

    5) Circumcision removes thousands of nerve endings from the inner f******n (ridged band) which is the most sensitive part of the p***s and also leaves the glans exposed to friction. Both of these result in reduced sensitivity which depending on your perspective could be a good or bad thing.

    6) The United States is the only western country that continues to practice circumcision on the majority of males outside of religious reasons. Most countries in all of Europe, Asia and South America plus Australia are basically uncircumcised countries.

    7) Circumcision was popularized in the 1800's by "doctors" who thought that circumcision would prevent masturbation (which was seen as an illness back then). It caught on and had remained popular in the US ever since (though most people don't know why).

    8) Circumcision slightly reduces the risks of contracting a urinary tract infection in the first few years of life. However, UTI's are so rare anyway (even among uncircumcised babies it's only about 1 in 100) that it hardly justifies routine circumcision among infants. Girls actually get UTI's and yeast infections at a much higher rate than uncircumcised boys do, and also accumulate more smegma than boys making the v****a technically "less hygienic", but the idea of female circumcision is totally scorned in this country which is rather ironic.

    9) No pediactrics association in the world supports routine neonatal circumcision and all of them basically agree that the negatives do not outweight the positives. Unfortunetely, most people don't research that when making this decision for their child. Once they do, it's usually too late.

    10) Most adult men who are uncircumcised never have a problem with their p***s and would never consider getting circumcised. Most uncircumcised men can also simulate the feeling and look of being circumcised simply by retracting the f******n. The select few that do choose to get a circumcision, always have that option later in life (and under anesthesia).

    11) Guys that are circumcised at birth tend to say they prefer it since it represents the majority of guys they know and since they have never known what a f******n felt like they don't miss what they've never had. On the other hand, uncircumcised guys that choose to get circumcised later in life usually do so because of a medical condition that hinders hygiene control, sexual performance or self esteem. Therefore the majority of them enjoy their "corrected" circumcised p***s.

    12) Circumcision is mostly done out of asthetics which again is biased towards what people are used to. People in the US tend to think that a f******n looks "weird", "ugly" or "dirty" and that because circumcision is so rare, they son would stand out in the locker room. Plus they want him to look like daddy who was also likely uncircumcised against his will when he was an infant. So it's the gift that keeps on giving.

  14. I am circumcised, and I love it.  I was with some friends at the beach with girls too.  They were asking about it and other sexual questions.  And the concensus was, that being circumcised was good, and that not was a freaky mutation.  I don't know if it is really that bad of a thing, but it seems that we greatly out number the boys that aren't.  I don't see a problem not being, but I am glad that I am.

  15. If an adult wants to get circumcised I don't give a d**n.

    I think it's wrong to circumcise babies though. They don't have a say and circumcision is a potentitally damaging and totally unnecessary cosmetic operation.

    Personally, I'm against it.

  16. I'm very strongly against it.

    I can see that it is necessary in some religions where it is a very important symbol of belonging and a response to God's commandments, but outside of religious practice I think it should not be done.

    It does not increase cleanliness at all.  In fact, the reverse is likely to be true because boys with foreskins are taught to wash properly, whereas boys without foreskins are often left to assume that it'll get itself clean!

    I think it's completely unethical to perform circumcision on babies (with the exception of the religious imperatives I've already mentioned).  Baby boys are born with the f******n stuck firmly to the glans, and separating it often leads to the development of skin bridges between the shaft and the glans as the wound heals.  Also, baby boys often lose their frenulum, which is generally acknowledged as the most sensitive part of the p***s.

    If an adult man wishes to be circumcised, that's his choice, but baby boys should not be routinely circumcised.  A medical reason might make it necessary, but otherwise it's unnecessary.

    All surgery is risky.  Many boys develop infections after circumcisions, and if the infection becomes severe it can lead to the loss of all or part of the p***s.  And there have been (admittedly rare) cases of boys losing their whole p***s because of the surgeon's error.  

    It seems to diminish sexual pleasure: a circumcised p***s produces less moisture than an uncut p***s, which means masturbation is more difficult, and also research seems to indicate that some of the pleasure of penetrative s*x comes from the sliding of the f******n up and down over the glans.  The glans becomes desensitized from exposure, which also has a negative effect on sexual pleasure.

    Aside from all the good reasons not circumcise, it just doesn't look as nice.  The skin of the glans becomes hard and toughened instead of soft and moist.  There's usually a strange looking change of skin colour halfway up a circumcised p***s.  The frenulum is often missing.  It just doesn't look the way a p***s should look.  When I've had circumcised lovers I have really missed the f******n!

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