
What is your opinion on materialism?

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like what or rather how important is it to u or isnt it and what does that affect in your opinions of others?




  1. Before I wasn't too pushed about what people thought of me and my belongings, but I soon got a job, earned good money, bought things, they became more expensive and now I have ended up with items many people I know would be jealous of. I wouldn't give them up but there is a bug inside me now that has to go for expensive items even though there maybe a very good cheaper alternative out there. Brand names would be important to me now.

  2. Any attempt to construct a feeling of permanance out of material goods is doomed to failure.

    Goods are not you, possession of them therefore makes you no greater, or less likley to expire.

    The more you have the more you fear losing, you are only storing up fear. Riches are the sign of a selfish and insecure soul.

    Think about it, in reality how bizarre is the label thing ????

    if you dont see that you are intellectualy disabled, no rephrase that the intellectually disabled would see the absurdity, only the sophisticated aspire to the concept. Now how riduculous is that?

  3. i'm not really materialistic.

    i don't see the point in buying the really expensive brand name when you can get something almost identical for way cheaper

    of course there are things i have that i wouldn't want to lose, but i'm sure if i did lose them i'd forget about it then pretty soon

    there are way more important things we should work against losing than our material 'friends'


    on other people who are materialistic,i don't really mind most of the time

    if they want to waste their hard-earned money that's their choice. let them be idiots.

    if it goes over board though and they start putting material things before stuff that should be more important, i start to lose respect for them


  4. It is not something that is important to me at all-cheesy as it sounds, love is way more important.if you bought something you really wanted, it still wouldn't give you the joy someone (boyfriend/best friends/family) would give you.You can't have a laugh with a designer handbag! no-i would rather spend time with someone I love and have a brilliant time then have a new top any day to be honest lol I love following the season's fashions, but it's not overly important to me.

    I am not materialistic at all-there are way more important things in life! :D

  5. I think materialism is a major source of suffering in the world. Attachment to material desire breeds suffering.

  6. It is 'over rated.'

    'Materialism' to me, I see as a form of 'self-love', where the 'Label' of whatever apparently carries a kudos to the person who believes they 'own' it, and seemingly having a form of 'Power' for the possessor.

    In a way, it is a replacement for the alter and the God representations that people traditionally had in their homes.

    The bottom line is 'that we own nothing' but possess only our memories, experiences and our feelings, and these are the only things we can take with us when we go.  

    All 'possessions' we leave behind and therefore are not, 'possessions'.


  7. we should live with it , but not live for it

    For me , they cause more distress that happiness

    OMG ! did you see the new xbox i want it sooo bad

    right there a desire is making you work day and night for something that once you have it will make happy but not for so long while in another part of the world a little kid is dying of hunger and maybe if we use that money for donation to that little kid , we would have make ourselves happy and the little kid would be happy too

  8. everybody seems materialistic these no grandma...but even kids!...they want to have stuff becoz they wanna show it off in front of their frnds...n brand concious ppl are all around.....i mean whats the big deal if u wear nike n i wear sum local brand..or no brand at all...

    i have frnds whoz wardrobe is full of INN clothes...but wen they put them on n go out..they are not even comfy being in them!...but hey! thats what is in trend so no matter how dumb i look when i try to hide my assets pullin up my dangerously low jeans....(sum won't even care.....(sighs)

    money is imp to sum extent but anything u do..if u do it for exhibite ur success n not becoz u feel good doin it (ofcourse boasting makes ppl feel soooooooo good..whatever!) then i guess these ppl haven't really understood the essense of success...they have a long long way to actually BE successful in true sense...

  9. I am not a big fan of materialism, I would give up most, if not all of my material possessions for real friendship, because if you have good real relationships with people that is all you really need.

    Not to mention, in women I find excessive materialism to be an extreme turnoff. A little bit is O.K., and I guess natural to most people, men and women alike.

  10. some people are very attached to material things and it is because they can afford it

    i find that very materialistic people are more shallow and bratty because they don't know what it is like to not have as much things

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