
What is your opinion on mini digital cameras?

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I'm thinking of buying one to use at a concert (they don't allow cameras in but I figured a tiny one would be easy to sneak in) but I'm not sure if it's worth getting one, because apparently they take terrible photos.

If you have one, what kind is it and is it any good? :)




  1. well... mini digital cameras are very useful, for u can use them anytime, anyplace. Sneaking them in is very easy, just put it in the depth of ur purse!!! I've never tried them, but i don't think that they take pictures that bad!! i have a digital camera 3 cm thick, 5 cm heigh, and about 12 cm wide!! it's very easy to sneak in and takes just as good photos!! just don't turn on the flash, and keep it in the center of ur hand!!!!

    btw... it's sony 6 megapixel!

    i've tried it!!

  2. I don't have one but my friend did and I don't think its worth it. They don't work well at all and you have to have a lot of light to even be able to make out what the picture is of.  

  3. They really do take terrible photos, theyre juts like phone pictures, although phones actually have a zoom function, whereas mini cams don't.

  4. my cell phone has a 3 megapixel camera and i took pics with it at Kanye Glow in the Dark concert back in May and the pictures turned out horrible. They probably would have turned out better if there was more lighting or even if there were flash capabilities. If u wanna take pics, i reccommend getting a cam with at least 5 megapixels

  5. there cute and all but they dnt have as frt quallity as the other

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