
What is your opinion on modern muslims?

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I am a modern muslim. I do not veil and i wear w/e i want, just like all of my family members, including my reletives. I still am a proud muslim and have faith in Allah, i just don't take the Qur'an literally and i don't take the religion so strictly. In my opinion, there is nothing wrong with that. I believe in peace and cultural diffusion and i don't hate anyone b/c of their religion. Im Turkish, and turkey is the most westernized, modern muslim country there is, wear the women do not veil and they dress European. There are alot of people like me, not all muslims are like what you see in the media, not all muslims veil or dress from head to toe. Some are actually like any american you see today. Theres nothing wrong with wear clothes like Hollister, or wearing bikinis in the summer.

Virgin Mary veiled, so why do people think that only muslims veil, when it says in the Bible to veil?

Veiling is not a practice in Islam. It is a cultural thing. Every culture is different, and has different ways of practicing the same religion.




  1. Why do you need to modernize Islam, when its' perfect? Hijab is not a "cultural thing", its' an Islamic as thing, as well as covering up and being modest. But you can follow it however you want, just don't try changing Islam.  

  2. thats EXACTLY hw i am. stricter muslims always jump on me, especially hijabi women, but all of my relatives and family r like that.  

  3. Try and take your religion seriously, you will do better in life, sis. You don't have to be extreme, but at least pray, and the rest inshallah Allah will forgive, but he will not forgive a Muslim that does not pray. Just take the middle course.

    Edit: Veiling is not cultural, it's Islam, it is Sunnah of our beloved Prophet (s).

  4. im mexican and i have no problems with muslims  

  5. 33:36.  

    It is not for a believer, man or woman, when Allâh and His Messenger have decreed a matter that they should have any option in their decision. And whoever disobeys Allâh and His Messenger, he has indeed strayed in a plain error.


    O Prophet! Tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to draw their cloaks (veils) all over their bodies (i.e.screen themselves completely except the eyes or one eye to see the way). That will be better, that they should be known (as free respectable women) so as not to be annoyed. And Allâh is Ever Oft­Forgiving, Most Merciful

    Muslim cleric: women incite men's lust with 'satanic dress'

    By Miranda Devine

    A Muslim sheik told followers at a public meeting in Bankstown that women who were raped had incited men's lust by dressing immodestly and only had themselves to blame.

    Sydney-born Sheik Faiz Mohamad, 34, a former boxer who teaches at the Global Islamic Youth Centre in Liverpool, made the comments during a lecture for more than 1000 people at Bankstown Town Hall.

    The Sun-Herald has a recording of the March 18 speech in which Sheik Faiz said: "A victim of rape every minute somewhere in the world. Why? No one to blame but herself. She displayed her beauty to the entire world . . .

    "Strapless, backless, sleeveless, nothing but satanic skirts, slit skirts, translucent blouses, miniskirts, tight jeans: all this to tease man and appeal to his carnal nature."

    He compared a woman dressed in such a way to a sheep. "Would you put this sheep that you adore in the middle of hungry wolves? No . . . It would be devoured. It's the same situation here. You're putting this precious girl in front of lustful, satanic eyes of hungry wolves. What is the consequence? Catastrophic devastation, sexual harassment, perversion, promiscuity."


    The invitation to the $15-a-head lecture stipulated modest dress and "strict male and female segregation". It was promoted as a lecture about "death" in flyers and on the website of the ICRA Youth Centre in Lidcombe, an Islamic community group which sponsored the evening.

    The ICRA and Faiz's Global Islamic Youth Centre have broken away from the Lakemba Mosque, the main place of worship for Sydney's Lebanese Muslims, because, a former associate says, Sheik Taj Aldin Alhilali, 64, is too moderate.

    Sheik Faiz also exhorted Muslim women to wear the hijab head covering as "a liberation from male scrutiny".

    "It's sad to see today how young girls are being brought up," he said. "The way they dress, their hairstyles . . . layers of make-up, which they just shovel on in order to remove afterwards, tanning out in the sun, bronzed, shiny so she can shine the lustful eyes of men; extreme dieting, working out. Why? So she can get the best figure, but not for her husband."

    He also condemned the soap opera Days Of Our Lives, which he said made wives negative towards their husbands, and said "premarital s*x is fashionable, that manipulation, deceit, cheating, lying falsehood are all essential ways to get the man or lady of your dreams".

    Sheik Faiz declined to be interviewed.

  6. u r an idiot

    There is no such thing as modern muslim.

    wearing veil, doesnt make any one non-modern

    >>>>"  Im Turkish, and turkey is the most westernized, modern muslim country"<<<<<

    My a$$, turkey is not even a muslim country, its a secular country.

  7. What you've described can take you out of Islaam if you believe it's permissible.

    There's nothing "modern" about what you described, it's only another serious disobedience to Allaah and His Orders.

    The Hijaab is an order in Islaam, not a cultural thing.  

  8. People are sometimes just stupid, the try to divide themselves just to feel higher than someone else. I respect everyone religion and what they be live in, People can't just go around saying someone does this because of that and making decisions for others, I think it's just stupid. Besides, I'm not that serious about my religion, I'm mostly serious about what i believe in. Religion is just a cover of what you believe in.

  9. they are all basically freedom hating pieces of garbage. They cause EVERY SINGLE modern conflict, how the h**l do you expect people to view them

  10. I can tolerate Modernism for I cannot tolerate extremism in any religious faith no matter what the structure of the source of evolutionary mythology placed in the religion doctrine. If the memorandums of understanding conforms with Human Rights curriculum memorandum governments convention on Equal Rights then that particular religion has a purpose in this world for social governance.

    Those who wish to live by the standards of the Dark Ages from this earth's past shocking history, then they should go back in time and stay there for good.   As if you don't progress forward in life's ability to achieve peace and harmony then those people should be annihilated to extinction for the better of the human race.

    If there is a God out there then why isn't this world intelligence practising peace instead of war against those who for no fault of the own suffer from those who bully them into submission.

    Peace to the world and good harmony to all.

  11. I personally don't listen to what the media says. They make out all muslims to be, like, 'on a mission from Allah to kill all non-believers'. No, I don't think that... I personally accept all religions, people should have the freedom of choice.

    I think it's great that there are 'modern muslims', like yourself. But it's a shame the radical muslims (and the media) have rather ruined the idea of the muslim faith. I knew a couple of modern muslims myself, and they seemed very nice people. :)

  12. I can careless about other people, regardless of their religion, as long as they leave me alone

  13. I think that you are extreme in your 'modern' ways. Being modern doesnt mean to disown some of the practices in Islam. I would say im modern too but i still stick to my faith and follow it the best i can, i don't wear the hijab, but this is a weakness in me and i will inshallah wear it soon, i am planning to start. Being modern doesnt mean wear a bikini.

    I disagree to extent you have taken being modern too but Allah is to judge.

  14. Sorry, you're not modern, you're just disobedient and rebellious.

  15. retards and mean jerks pigs pigs pigs pigs everywhere

    just kidding there very nice

  16. i don't think modern muslims are a problem...but not to the extent of wearing bikinis.  If you don't want to, don't wear a hijab, but please have enough modesty to cover your body.

  17. Why are you being defensive as if everyone has the same opinion on Muslims? I understand that there are extremists in every religion.

  18. if your cool with me. im cool with you, the rest is up to Allah

  19. I am a Modern Muslimah. I still veil. I'm still traditional. I'm modern in the way I dress, but apart from that, I'm traditional.

    The definition of 'modern' changes from person to person.

  20. Sorry but since when did modern Muslim come about....?

    Islam is not just  to practise when you feel like it, I rather adhere to Allah's commandments rather than getting sucked into the world and their so called 'freedom' when in reality it is not!

  21. you are not a modern Muslim

    you are a confused woman

  22. you dont wanna know

  23. 1) Theres no such thing as a modern muslim and a traditional or old muslim, either you are a muslim who is devoted to allah or not, and if you do what the west wants you to do, such as go to parties, expose your body, then may allah help you, you are only muslim if u submit, and when u submit ur heart will change to love allah and not love the life of this world, which includes money etc.

    2) If you dont take strictly then you have a problem within the religion, you dont believe, your faith is weak, you must read alot of quran translation and hadith.

    3) Turkey arent Muslim, that is why muslims are fighting to get the country back to what it use to be, Muslim.

    4) Yes there is something rong with showing off your body, for example, if there was a group of men on the road and a woman with a "bikini" walked past and a woman with a veil walked past, who would they pay more attention to? the bikini because they would want to touch her and harm her by doing wrong things.

    5) If a woman wears a veil or scarf well then men wont be friends with her for how she looks or her huge breats, but they will respect her and like her for who she really is, and that is her personality.

    6) You have degraded yourself, by showing urself to men, how would you feel if your mum showed her whole body on a magazine and men perved on her? how would u feel if that was your own sister being perved on? have u no respect for urself let alone others?

    7) Christianity - Nuns, the jewish mother Mary also covers but its because Islam needs to be attacked on because it is the one religion that will not bow down to any other law of Man, it will never submit to this world that is why they criticise islam so much on news so people stay away from it and people stop reverting.

    8) Yes the veil is not islam however, it is fardh on a woman to cover herself, dont u want the respect u deserve?

    May allah guide you

    and  may you seek knowledge to strengthen your deen..


  24. I dont really care. All people are the same to me.

  25. the majority of them are getting a bad rap especially by ignorant people,

  26. They could be seen as being Muslim by name only.

    Being a "modern" Muslim ain't nothing to be proud of.

  27. I don't think thats the definition of a modern muslim.  

    The religion was revealed to us in the form of a book and your are saying the book doesn't have to be followed, so then there is no basis for the religion.  

  28. A practicing Muslim is a modern all the time. We became backward when we thought of forsaking Islam or taking a part of it and rest other's cultures. Islam gives one a perfect life. It gives a clear guidance upon every aspects of life.

    Allah's promises are upon those who believe and act righteous good deeds. Not for those only appreciate good. Your love toward Islam is also a Mercy from Allah but you must act upon. So just act upon what's been commanded. Your practicing Islam is for yourself. It is your way to reach Allah and seek His pleasure. My walking upon Islam is for myself and I benefit from it. So whoever walks upon it benefits in this world and the next.

  29. I lived in Turkey when I was a kid and the people were very nice to us.  I'm American.  Although I'm completely anti-religion myself, soooo...being a modenr muslim doesn't really change my view on your beliefs.  Sorry.  I don't hate you, I just think religion is a joke, ALL of the religions, I think most of the religious literature is a lie or a misinterpretation of history.

  30. True im muslim and me and my whole family dont follow the Qu'ran as strictly. and yes we are viewed as u said

  31. im muslim. i dont wear a veil either.

    Salam beresoonet.

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