
What is your opinion on my poem titled "This is me"?

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I may be shy

But please don't take offend

Once you get to know me

You'll fall in love

And sometimes I worry

Probably more than I should

But show me you care

And all will be well

I know my self esteem is low

You don't have to tell me twice

Reassure me everyday

And I grow more and more

I have my flaws

And so do you

Mine may be overwhelming

But this is me




  1. It is really a good poem i like the realness  

  2. You rock baby !! Awesome and gorgeous poem.  Sound sincere, very delicate with a touch of sadness.  Let  me tell you what, you have a lot of potential to be a great human being.  You can reach the good things that this life offer to you.  You can improve you self esteem doing workout, exercises,  reading good books about how to improve you self esteem.  Trust yourself and believe in your, no one can change who you are only you have power and the strenght to make good decisions to change your personality.  Be bold and be courageous

  3. as a statement of your shyness and hope it is adequate, nothing more.    I can't consider it a poem though as it is rather wordy with far too much use of the word "and" along with the word "but".   There are quite a few alternates to the use of the connecting word "and".  

    In poetry you mostly seek to use descriptive words in lieu of phrases.   When one word will suffice, why use three ?    When a more active word will work, why use a common one ?   As you have presented this, it is nothing more than a long single run on sentence.  Perhaps you would consider breaking it up into stanzas of a few lines ?

    Yes, this IS your poem, however, you DID ask for opinions.  

    I am not suggesting you should give up, quite the contrary. as my advice would be for you to continue writing and seek opinions.  

    Once you have valid objective opinions it is up to you to accept or reject them.  There are folks on here who will just applaud regardless of what you submit, listen to them if you want.

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