
What is your opinion on newspapers not being available in print, and only online?

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  1. I think it's fine and sensible. I personally get most of my news off the Internet--I don't bother to buy printed newspapers because I like choosing what events I read about instead of only getting what that particular newspaper chooses to print.

    However, I wouldn't want ALL newspapers to do this. I think we definitely still need printed newspapers to preserve events in print and ensure that people without internet access still have access to the information. But I certainly don't have any problem with some newspapers choosing to go online-only.

  2. I think it is foolish for print media to 100pc go online and stop printing.  Who knows how long the world wide web will go on for?  Everything we put out on the web is in danger of being lost and lost forever.

  3. It would be a hardship on many, especially seniors, and those who can not afford the Internet, and there are many of them, so I believe it would be a big mistake.

  4. I think it is the paper's loss.  Not very smart for revenue.

  5. It is my op ion that the newspaper will eventually be online. The reason for this that the price of newspaper will become to expensive to purchase because the supply of wood and petroleum products.

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