
What is your opinion on partying and what's your sun/moon/rising?

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Do like it or not?




  1. I like to party but i only go to family parties not disco ect.. my parents did not aloud me to go disco or other clubs.

  2. Absolutely!  As long as it is with genuine people that I know.  Close friends.

    Sun in Libra, Moon in Gemini, Scorpio Rising.

  3. I enjoy quiet times at home usually, but do enjoy a good night with friends dancing and a few drinks, or cards, & a few drinks. Couldn't stand to do it every weekend though.

    Sun : Virgo

    Moon Libra

    Rising: Sag.


    It's like my favorite pastime! :D

    Crank up that music, get some good ol' soda, bring everyone in town and WAZZAM! An awesome party. :DDDD

    I could go to parties every freaking night if I really wanted to, but then my school work would suffer. T.T

    Gemini Sun/Libra Moon/Cancer Rising

  5. ever her of "party until your pants drop"......well, sometimes I likes to follow thats

  6. I would rather travel or sky dive.

    Taurus sun/Cap moon/Leo rising

    I have a 9th house sun. I need adventure. If you've been to one party you've been to them all.

  7. I love parties as long as I know some people there. I prefer house parties rather than going to clubs though because at least at house parties the music isn't so loud (or you can escape into rooms/hallways if it is) that you can't hear what anyone is saying to you!

    gemini sun

    virgo rising

    cancer moon

  8. for the most part I think it is immature

    scorpio sun

    aries moon

    taurus rising

  9. Sure, as log as there isn't dancing involved. My Sagittarius Moon and rising makes me quite clumsy.

    I like socializing. Meeting new people is sort of like a thrill to me. Talking, laughing, joking around. It puts me in a good mood to say the least


    Virgo Sun

    Sagittarius Moon

    Sagittarius Rising

  10. Nope, I can't stand parties. Too many people, too much loud music, and a lot of pressure to do things that you don't want to do. I always end up getting all melancholic at parties, and end up crying in a corner. I don't know why, they just have that effect on me. I prefer a nice quiet evening with a close friend of mine instead.

    Libra Sun

    Cancer Moon

    Libra Rising

  11. fun

    I'm a cancer with a cap or Aquarius moon and a Gemini rising



  12. I love people, I love being around people. I love getting to know new people. I love having a drink and being completely silly and relaxed. I love music.

    I DON'T love music that is so loud that you CAN'T get to know anyone new. I don't like drunken wankers grabbing my **** and considering it a proper way to pick someone up.

    I like going to the pub with friends, and friends of friends. I don't like clubbing, I don't like company that just wants to get wasted. I don't like people who will pretend that after 5 hours of doing it, dancing doesn't get old. I prefer sleep over that.

    Sun: Taurus

    Moon: Pisces

    Rising: Sagittarius

    Mercury: Aries

    Venus: Aries

    Mars: Gemini

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