
What is your opinion on poor people?

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i know the question is vague, but feel free to answer this question as you wish, there is no right or wrong answer, i ask out of simple curiosity




  1. I admire their strength of will.....Struggling to make ends meet daily, & accomplishing the feat, takes great strength of will & excellent money management skills.

  2. Could be you or me........have compassion....

  3. They are just like everyone else.

  4. There is only the state itself I believe, about which I dare not give dark opinion, rather I prefer give its brighter twin. For the state of being poor is as essential an estate to possess we may evidence as that of another.

    I mean to say here, being poor 'is' what it is -- having a mundane aspect, about which many have some impression or experience with.

    And then there is its esoteric sibling: wealth depends on the absence of wealth that wealth can exist.

    It is strange we might say of course, but no less is it a verity, in that nothing we can observe can exist without its opposite having at first come to bear. And so poverty, as can be said of any state of being, is a peculiar if not only an unwanted verity but nonetheless one half of a duo of foils that depend on each other. Sadly we see too much of the one and scarcely much of the other.

    And though dry of principle, seeming far remove from the richness that experience otherwise accords us -- good, bad, or waffle -- the two are opposites that serve as part of a greater ubiquity, say, an antagonism as prescribed by life itself to fulfill its purpose, one of which is that of motion and change and again, the opposites ado with states of being and the actions expressed by these selfsame states.

    But while we undergo either of these, poverty or wealth, mere folly from over-simplification needs at once to fall away, for feelings of emptiness impressed by two-dimensional thought absent the embrace, shares little the immediate experience and touch, imports little the meaning we now will need. For we do all live and experience in three dimensions, and as with the momentum of a freight train, wheels treat with rail.

    So I suppose that, to think or express one’s opinion on the poor is one thing; to feel it, yet another; and in any case, seldom if ever is the pension and feeling of unrest ever mistaken.

  5. First of all, you would need to expand your question, which I'm sure you know.  What is considered poor?  People who live below the poverty line (who arguably still can have a roof over their head and food to eat) or people who are homeless.  Third world people or people on welfare?  Too loaded of a question without detail, sorry.

  6. We sd not come to the conclusion that a person is poor from their appearnce. We must have a correct knowledge about the people surrounding our house.. To study this we must try to develop a contact  with them.In course of time we will get the details. . Then slowly we must try to help them without them knowing we r doing so.

  7. They need more money .  they need educational opportunities to chase that dream .

  8. Everybody living on earth has a right to live a decent life where their basic needs such as food, healthcare, education..etc. is satisfied.

    The poverty is created by the system! Nobody prefers to born poor; thus nobody should blame the economically disadvantaged people if they steal or engage in criminal acts.

    Poverty is not the problem of the poor people only! You cannot reach a healthy society unless every individual living in the society understand the importance of fighting against the poverty together.

  9. i think we should help them. or at least the ones who deserve it. if they started drinking and doing drugs at age 11, and have lived a poor lifestyle when they had the chance to change, i dont think you should help them as much

  10. I grew up poor, it was very miserable.

  11. I DO NOT FAULT THE POOR FOR THEIR CIRCUMSTANCES!  I lived in poverty until I was able to leave home at age 16.  I recall the depression which permeated every ones existence and how terribly difficult it was to see options which would have helped my family's situation.  My family was well educated but lacked resources and support needed to join the middle class.  It is difficult to improve your life when you struggle each day just to put food on the table for your loved ones.  

    I received a lot of help from the community.  I won a valuable scholarship while working for the State of Arizona.  My life was relatively carefree after college and I have always been a strong supporter of educational programs directed at helping underprivileged people.  I also participated in mentoring programs and have been a volunteer tutor.  I encourage everyone to get involved on a personal level in helping to make our country a better place to live.

  12. The meek or the humble. The ego less.  

    "Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the world"

  13. They have less money.

  14. Some people bring it on themselves, but most of it is due to the greed of others

    Poor doesn't necessarily mean unhappy

  15. well, depends what your talking about,, poor in spirit, poor financially, poor in creativity, etc.

  16. Depends why they are poor. If they're poor because they're lazy, then i'm against them, but if they're poor for a valid reason, for example, they can't go to work because of a physical disability, I feel sorry for them.

  17. How poor you have to be before you are considered poor? Even a 'rich' person who don't have enough to satisfy all their greedy needs still consider theirself poor. An example of a friend of mine.. or poor means to be at a state of destitution? It can be oppression by others or they simply do not do anything to raise their position. They want the sympathy of others. Most of them are just unfortunate..

  18. They feel unsecure how the others will treat them and their life is hard.

  19. There are two types of poor people..... having no money and no patience ... 2nd is no money but contented. Most of them as i have noticed are of 1st type. They don't have money n don't have gratitude too. they are used to depict their poorness in a very beseeched way but plan nothing to get out of it. Over all chemistry of this social group (with obviously much variation) is very straight. They are poor because they bring this fate to them  by not doing things in a proper way. That who plans or tries to do to get out of it sooner or latter reaches the destination.

  20. poor people for me are just normal human beings just like you and me......the only difference between them and us is the fact that they are poor,which means thats they have either barely have enough money to live their life or they may not have no money at all.....

    the way i see it,they require a lot of help......such a people must be helped almost immediately....since they are also a human,thus i strongly feel that they are eligible for an equal treatment throughout life.......lets make it simple......symphatise the poor & help'ëm out.......they are our brothers & sisters......i leave the rest to you....

  21. I think some people are poor because of bad life choices or habits (drug addiction, bad money management, etc.) so in a way they bring it on themselves. However, I also know a lot of poor people who work as hard as they can but just suffer from a chain of bad luck.

  22. they'll be rich

  23. Some are poor, due to lack of education, some are poor, because the economy of a country, they live in, is miserable, some are poor, due to substance abuse, sometimes one leads to another they do have less money, due to all of it

    and, i am not sure, about my feelings. i do sympathize with those, who had NO chance, and choice, to make their lives better

  24. Im 1 of Them!!!!

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