
What is your opinion on rats?

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do you like them or hate them?




  1. I like Rats, I find them intriguing and elegant.

    They are also fun to watch, and they are good pets, and easy to tame, as long as they don't bite/scratch.

  2. Rats are amazing, loving, and intelligent animals.

    The only people who call them disgusting or disease carrying are ignorant and cannot tell the difference between a street rat and a domesticated one.

  3. Rat pet?. Or rats that eat after your pets?

  4. HATE! :0

  5. theres one in my office somewhere! i hate them! i can hear it moving. i want it DEAD!

  6. where's my cat....................


    i'll dedicate this posting to my litte Ratatoullie... I miss you, my baby.  

  8. They are one of my favourite pets :)

    And to people that call them vermin, did you know that hamsters were once called "vermin" by the ignorant folk at one point? Rats are as clean as cats, very intelligent, and make cuddly pets.

  9. rats rule man there the best but they dont live long but i love my rats!

    but upgraded to a ferret!


  10. like them,

    they are very intelligent.

  11. I am not particularly fond of them.My friends daughter had one as a pet & the rule was she was to clean it's cage out before & after school because of the stench.But the smell always seemed to linger.

  12. they are very smart and intelligent. I love rats. I used to have one, she had one eye red and one black , she was the best rat ever!

    I miss Her

  13. i love them so much they make the perfect pet.they are so cute and loveable i dont know  who would hate those cute things

  14. I love rats they are smart cute and friendly(most)


  15. they are vermin!!! i hate them

  16. Rats can make interesting pets.  Just be careful with them.  I had one bite me and I had to have rabies shots when I was a kid.  

  17. Can't stand them......that's why I own 4! :P

    They're wonderful pets, very dog-like in personality.

  18. Like them.

    They smell less than mice and are heaps smarter.

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