
What is your opinion on same s*x marriage?

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I just got back from a church and it seemed like today's sermon was devoted to knocking down same s*x marriage. I don't really see what the big issue is and feel sermons like the one I heard today just increase hatred and intolerance. What's your take on the same s*x marriage debate? Please give a better answer than "it's unnatural. If you're argument is it's sinful, please explain why.




  1. My feeling is that it's going to happen, and no amount of my ***ching and moaning is going to change the inevitable.

    I wish it wouldn't happen, but I'm not going to march in DC over it.

  2. It may be Ok for the couple but what happens when they decide they should have children? It will be totally confusing for the child, who will never have the opportunity to grow up in a normal environment. So, I have nothing against g**s but marriages are totally unacceptable.

  3. Homosexuals have the same rights as everyone else. If they want to get married than they have every right to do so.

  4. It's an oxymoron in Catholicism. Marriages aren't valid in the Catholic Church unless the couple can, um, insert tab P into slot V (I once had an answer deleted for being too graphic), regardless of sexual orientation or the s*x of partners (yes, opposite s*x marriages would also be invalid in such cases). In same-s*x couples, you are missing either the tab or the slot.

  5. I have no problem with it.  There are men and women out there who feel the same way for someone of their own s*x that I feel for my wife, and they should be able to commit themselves in the same way.  As a Canadian, I am proud that my country allows same s*x marriage.  As a person, I cannot imagine living my life without someone I love by my side. That applies to all of us, whether you are straight, g*y, or L*****n.

  6. sinful.

    Because the reason for different s*x marriage is to bear children and complete each other from a sexual point of view. If God wanted us to be g*y, he would've done so, and if we were the human race wouldve been extinct millions of years ago.

    It is sinful because it has both physical and mental illness. Physical because of the diseases it carries from abnormal sexual behavior and mental because this person did not get a proper life or has something missing in him/her that evolves them as a complete female or male due a situation that happened in their lives which makes them "think they're g*y."

  7. Marriage is between one man and one woman.  

  8. I'm sorry... someone's gotta wear the pants...

    I think the bigger one should wear the pants...  I always liked the butch look ;)

  9. I am for equal rights for all people. This means I am for g*y marriage, desegregation, fairness in employment and civil rights, as well as a women's right to vote and own land. Those opposed to g*y marriage would do well to remember this country's history and other lessons we have learned about those who strive to keep other people down just for being different from them.

  10. I support it.  There is no reason why we should deny people who want to commit to a loving relationship from legal status on issues of inheritance, medical insurance coverage, etc.

  11. i'm not g*y so why does it matter i think as long as you love someone you should be able to get married to them and the state shouldn't get in the way because some idiot says that its unnatural and sinful  

  12. I don't think it should be considered a sin - g*y people are not hurting anyone, homosexuality is not a choice, they were born that way. It is a genetic or biochemical variation within the body, that's all.

    From a religious point of view: If there was a God and God didn't like homosexuality, he could eliminate it without effort, right? If God doesn't get rid of it, why would we, people, discriminate against homosexuals?

    Same s*x couples should be able to get married and they should get the exact same rights and responsibilities as married couples. Including adopting children. ALL of the g*y couples I know are far more responsible, loving, caring and attentive parents than some of the straight couples.

    Always judge the book by the content and not by the cover!

    I wish you well!

  13. I'm for it. Marriage in the USA is civil, it's not a religious ceremony unless people make it one. Christians need to keep their noses out of the g**s' business

  14. Christians focussed on stopping Homosexuals from enjoying one another instead of spreading the Gospel, missed Jesus' message completely.

    Something tells me that if Jesus existed and was on earth during and anti Homosexual rally or church service, he would draw a line in the sand and then tell them that those without sin should cast the first insult.

  15. My opinion is the same as the God Yahweh's opinion and we all know what His opinion on g*y marriage is..

  16. I say that you can not help who you fall in love with.  You don't choose love, it chooses you and if that person happens to be the same s*x as you then good for you!  At least you found true love.  If it is a sin to live with someone and not be married then why can't two people in love, who happen to be the same s*x, be married?  Why make them live in sin?  I have a relative who lives with her life partner and they have been together for about 8 years now.  I would love to see them married.

  17. When I make friends with people, I don't care about thier s*x, age, race, anything like that. I love my friends. And I think that when it comes to love, as in loving hte person that you're going to marry, the same type of rules apply because you can't really fall in love with somebody who you didn't have a basic friendship relationship with, first. (That's what I think anyway). And to filter out people and over look thier hearts becuase of something silly like gender is crazy.

    So basically. (incase that didn't make sense)I think that people shold be able to marry whomever they please, including people of the same s*x because love is love.

  18. 100% for it. Why stop anyone from being happy as long as they are not harming anyone else?

    Answer: Bigotry and homophobia.

    If you Christians out there continue to ban something harmless for your own creepy reasons then I do not want to hear you ***** about your own pathetic movement being discriminated against, as you so often do.

  19. I am against the persecution of homosexuals.

    g*y marriage hurts no one, but many bigots want to force their nonsense into our laws.

  20. Its not my opinion its a fact, that same s*x does not produce anything. The man cant do with out the woman, and the woman can not do with out the man!!! Its just natural.... Your asking about the unatural!!! Its society that's screwed up! Oh, and another thing g*y is a life style and not a people!!! Catch my drift! Its a choice.... in other words!!!! Take it up with God..... on judgement day!!!!!

  21. I posted a question about this a week or so ago.

    I was raised in a religious family, and I struggle with samesex attraction. The only relationship i've had that lasted more than a couple months was with another woman. I have been completely alone and celibate now for several years, however, as I am loathe to force myself into a relationship of any kind.

    I've struggled to find answers for myself, am i g*y, or did childhood experiences of abuse just put me off men? There is no easy answer, and a lot of opinions on this.

    I have several g*y and L*****n friends, and I wish them all the happiness in the world. We all deserve to be happy. My personal opinion is that I have no right to judge.

  22. I can't see where the personal views of individuals should be placed higher in your mind than the Word of the eternal God.

    You do not indicate what "church" you are attending as the word has become a catch-all.

    Jesus Christ spoke clearly of His creation order. If you do not believe Him, it makes no sense for you to attend worship service.

  23. I, for one believe it to be sinful. My reason is this :God created woman to be with man, for them to be fruitful, and to multiply, for a husband to leave his family and to cling to his wife, for the wife to be with the husband and for them to be one flesh.God loves the sinner, He does not love the sin.If He did not object to homosexuality, He would not have destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah.God said that it is not good for man to be by himself, that is when those unnatural urges come upon a man(or woman) So, he made male and female and said it is good.Any form of s*x that is not a man with a woman is not from God.I hope that this helps you.    

  24. When you have heterosexuals like Britney Spears marrying in Las Vegas for 24 hours and then annulling it; a divorce rate of 50%; rampant adultery; and fornicating heterosexuals producing children which they toss away for others to raise, we can see that those who choose the heterosexual lifestyle are in no position to criticize others who want to marry.  It only increases hatred, division and discord and leads to harm and murder of g*y people.

    As a Christian g*y man, I do not believe heterosexuals should have special rights (such as marriage) based on whom they sleep with. As a law-abiding American paying the same taxes as heterosexuals, I should receive all the same rights, benefits and privileges as heterosexuals. The religious beliefs of others should have no impact on my rights as a US citizen.

  25. Everybody is entitled to do what they want with their own body.

    Without hatred and intolerance, why would anybody need a religion?

  26. I really don't care about marriage in general.

    What's the big deal about wanting to get married?

    And why stop somebody else?

  27. To each his own.  Who you fall in love with should be your own business and no one else's.  In my opinion, the church, the government and/or society in general should NOT have a say .  If you find happiness with a partner of the same s*x, I am just as happy for you as if you were in a heterosexual relationship.  It's all our differences that make this a wonderful world to live in.  

    I am glad you are questioning what you heard.  ;)

  28. love is love, no matter what the gender, love is the thing most craved on this planet, why shouldn't is be celebrated with a union or marriage...

  29. It's none of my business, nor anyone's but the two people involved.

  30. Well, I'm torn. I think same s*x partners should definitely be able to form a legal bond that allows them all the benefits legal and otherwise that marriage affords a straight couple. But I think marriage should be reserved for opposite s*x partners. Although Ellen and Portia look so happy..........

  31. Against it.

    God advises against homosexual s*x.

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